iNtakE.Gaming vs invictus (6847 views)

ca taZyaa
ca crono
ee Shelbji
fi i.Tech
us skar
de ScaTmaN
be dimitri
hu dxtr
be eden
ee sCope
27.12.10 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: taZyaa (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7452
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16


gl intake
hf invictus
they wont even pick there second map on esl site.... fucking lame
gl intake ! :)
Ps : <rAqz> no offi @ ettv VS us ? :D
shelb ownerer!
rAqz max. low-
shut it gay poser
am i playing ? no, so go rage somewhere else..
be dim
be eden
ee sCope
de ScaTmaN
hu dxtr
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
go unwrap some of your shitty gifts you ignorant french anal loving whore.
i smell frustration, arrogant nerd
hf beeing raped @ spawn :)
have fun being a trashy french faggot.

:{D yeah man sorry, forgot that u were a new talent :{D
stating the truth u might be nice guys no hate but i dont see u winning
playing better teams is how you learn and become better.
win or lose vs high team.
still getting there.
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
hf beeing raped @ spawn :)
you mad?
get a life little boy. Go play with your new toys.
come up with new insults, try google
you mad cus hayzay and kiddo left your team?
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
easy for eden
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
Shelbji GL my friend:)
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
scatman gonna rape.. :D
oh w8's going to be really hard ..whao
oh's really hard to be going ..w8
it's going to be really hard... oh w8.... whao..
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
easy bash inv , hf eden
only ee sCope can play so easy for invictus :P
Gl eden !
whao.. it's going to be really hard... oh w8
you play with a hangover.
Yeah and what ?
et is my last concern.
unlike you kids
Don't worry about that I saw it
intake complain because we played with david as backup ,so they wont accept the match
i was under the asumtion that i was scriming invictus. not iym..
cus thats what it says on esl...


not quite.
cus thats what it said on ESL.

iNtakE Vs Invictus iv

invictus is now part of inyourmind :)
we won very easily but it was borring as dim said
more whine :/
dude what did u expect , u playing vs tazya he will whine for at least 2 weeks or so, insult u, etc etc and then he cant even get 20 xp in a 15 min map lolz., 3 kills in 10 min, after he switched playter in middle round, this was very funny to watch, even more cuzx of the ettv specs haha
insult iym? when?

lol, check ur last ....20 comments in gtv, ur either whining or insulting some1 arround here.
as i told u once in xfire,l u should lower ur shit talk cuz u make a fool out of ur self everytime u say smth aqnd then u play like a low- in ettv :D
you seem mad :(
Kiddy want a cookie?
accept the fucking score already :/
they wont accept score on esl lol
and they wont add score here so
ofc eden is a xiiter
to izi for invictus, tazyaa is a retard low
you live on top of garbage.
accept the fucking score NAO. i want my moneyz

u lost. face it

fucking nazi's..

always stupid. go lose another war.
fucking raped the shit out of the nazis
canada did nothing :D go back to your queen
Technically Canada did join in for world war 2 but not all germans were nazi's so ur both dumb :p

wp crono and david
I'm American fyi.
Both countrys i've lived in kicked your fucking ass.
taZyaa lost? xDD
taZyaa wp xD
no.. i know it's a joke.
but no, i did horrible.
drank too much beer and tequila.
ofc its a joke nab, u fuken did 3 kills/20xp in 10 min, after u went spec and let other nub play for u,
you're such a loser.
OMG you're such an ass xD
favour was also horrible btw.. ;p