vs Nové Lamy (3916 views)

de desti
de sNaKe
de Heineken
de sYNeRR
de m3cen
cz esti
cz malfoy
cz HuuHuu
cz Patt
cz madua
27.12.10 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Winter Leagues 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: darius :D (Requestee)
Maps: Karsiah_te2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6149
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


glück yermans
gl kg
gg kg
crash ? omg ty jsi presel uz ?:-D
mercuje nam na ESL-WL :)
no theman no win! :o
höh? no woman no cry ?!? ^^
wie du recht hast

destii = epic fail
real mani? from RTCW?
malfoy ? :OOOO gl&hf
je v back upu, ale dnes ma cas tak bude hrat :)
go kg!
das neue kompost?
dann müsst ihr aber noch an skill zulegen :D
gl kg!

m3cen lass die 501 POWER raus :D
hf kg :)
where is darius :<<
Hf crAsh <3 a esti
gl kg!
gl & hf kg
budte na crAshe hodni :D a vyhrajte :)
hf gl KG...
Try to be on irc or somewhere Nove Lamy, or atleast reply to the challenge in ESL-site.
je dáte jak maly:) gl NL... crAsh <33333:) povodis,kdyz jsou to low;)
GL NL :) hf crAsh a esti :D
gl kg :D

destii mein held ;D
easy nove lamy...
You have € 67 on de KOMPOST
You lost

bei diesem match hat wohl ein wenig theman gefehlt? oder was war los?
You have € 23 on cz NL
You won € 38.41
You have € 50 on NL
You won € 83.5