Relax Multigaming vs Epic #epic-eSports (5743 views)

pl l4z
pl abject
pl w1lko
pl mag
pl nORas
gb rAffou
fr sword
fi kolibri
ru JOkE
fr MENTh
04.01.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Winter Leagues 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: l4z (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 18234
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 37


First, yeah orgasm.
ostatno do absa sapales , wypierdalaj
Jebac lamusa, ale Ty i tak rozpierdalash!!
gl :)))
gl relax, hf w1lku :)
Widze ze gra mag, wiec przeciwny team nie ma szans, zacytuje: 'sluchaj, kurwa, napierdalam ostatnio po 50+acc wiec rozpierdole plebs' takze gg i hf magus <333:**** My love 4 ever
Ruchne cie ale kiedy indziej. Bo teraz kutas juz boli, abso, mlody, oraz reszta plebsu chcialo zebym ich wydymac xD Kutas juz boli wiec ci podaruje. Ale love for ever <3
- no domi + de nAbio
- gb koop + fr sword
how often are you gonna change line up :(
well, rAffou is on holidays, koop left the team and I guess that's it ^^
only nAbio will play for us as a back up tonight ;)
Im avi as of next week, i can has rifle with mic yo
sword took the spot yo :))
ha he'll probably quit soon too like uzeh :P
Why should I ? :(
so I can rifle for them :D!
epic zrobi wam z dupy jesien sredniowiecza :*
GL HF Magu
GL DANIEL, WIKTOR, ABJECTO, ale kaska oczywiscie na slabszych ;D
nakurwiac piotrus, dauniel i wiktor !
dauniel :DDDDDDDD
prosze prosze, kto sie tu odezwal
no slyszalem ze robisz roszady jak zarzad lecha poznan :D
gl mag

slash :-((
gl mag i w1lko ;-)
Mag kurwa jak to teraz przejebiecie to Ci wyjebie ta petarde i tyle ;p
gl relax, nice teamplay
gl sword my man
mag: teraz to ja krece 67 acc na pubie , o kurwa spadlo mi do 30
Epic 70 joueurs :D, GL ^^
Ça évite les absences :D
gl wilku
cisniesz mag
fr rAffou is on holidays and btw I'm still playing so you can add me instead fr b3ck ;)
go go w1lko <3 Is novais :D
mag !!!! :*D l4z, wilko!!! :D

You have € 250 on pl b2k Cancel bet
Possible win: € 550
gl wilczku :* <3
gl mag :)
promissing lu of web5
not really cause i'm gonna play :D
jebane low :/
to nie to samo b2k :( slash ! [*]

... ;((((((
Noras is obviously better than me, but thank you for support me ;D
mag slabiak przegra :*
hf laz
no slash no win
since de nAbio doesn't show up, fi kolibri is replacing him :)
Easy for epic !
You have € 10 on pl b2k
You won € 21.9

gg :) You have € 500 on pl b2k
You won: € 1095

dobry mecz abj i l4z:-D
edit : no slash in our team no win
no chlopaki zaskoczyliscie mnie pozytywnie :))) gg
You have € 2000 on pl b2k
You won € 4380
no magu chyba zaczne ci wierzyc xD
un gros mix chez web5
effectivement, on attend le retour de rAffou qui est au ski et koop s'est plus ou moins barré de la team donc sword a pris sa place.
Il va nous falloir du temps pour se remettre dans le bain et retrouver un teamplay correct...
prend moi et tu gagneras
even without amazing slash ;p
<3, but as I remember with you we won 4:0 :))
haha :)