Prodigy vs Diablo has BOobs (3550 views)

05.03.06 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Benelux Cup 6v6
Manager: BarthezZ (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

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8) gl hf dHb /:/
woohoo dHb :):)
laat mor is iets zien he ronner
dHb ftw!!!(l)
both are very good ... but i think Prodigy will win in a exciting match ^^ ... gl both clans ! :D
lol dhb is going to pwned prodigy << imo<<
dHb (l) (l) (l)
Bah!!! <3
yeh lith, like I said :x ..
dhb are a bunch of nabs. 0hs 3rd league skillorz :?
gl dHb.../:/
dHb! :D (l)
da who?
yeh ronner, so we are going to have both probs 8)
AND PLZ VOTE FOR US SOMETIMES TOO!!!!! :P that was lowskilled, soz
all fucking lies, u wont do a lanparty ffs !!!!! :D
i think they will :P
believe me... they will have a lanparty... and believe me... they wont get drunk, because they all hate alcohol to much when they play ET... :/
slots plz
gl prodigy :)
heineken beer ftw, gonna take some now too :P
And v51, slots 0? :(
Hopen voor prodG dat ik meedoe8)
ik ruik misplaatste arrogantie
inderdaad :P
IM sure they have lan party
Was maar grapje dikkerds...:o
ProdG ftw :)
gl alvino en wormpje :)
trut <3
prodigy get their ass kicked
dHb Ftw ^^:P
prodG is a good team.. they bahed us |:-|
added my <50 slots ^^ |:-|
match is changed to sunday 19.00 CET
omg more slots

yeha <3
gl brad cherry master alvo <3
ik zal een shoutout doen robert ;)
dHb with oldschool line up:)
come again? 8)