Purefragging vs Epic #epic-eSports (5137 views)

be JiMiNi
be WOops?!
nl h3ll
nl synthic
fr b3ck
fr sword
de nAbio
ru JOkE
fr MENTh
04.01.11 22:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Winter Leagues 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: h3ll (Highadmin)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 22197
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 38


0 stars wtf.
goed toch mooi geld verdiene :P
JOkE & meNth , vous auriez pu trouver mieux ^^ GL qd même

HF JiMiNi & co
ils touchent leur bille qu'est ce que tu racontes xAelio!

Here we go again :D

- gb rAffou + fr b3ck
hf h3ll maxi
u mad?
u dfntly mad.
u feel bad,
u feel mad,
jsais pas ce que tu veux, mais perds encore ce soir, histoire de pas perdre mon pari pour une fois sur toi :)
tkt j'vais essayer de faire aussi bien que les wck ;)
sa te fera des points pour la team france, krkrkrk
thx, x2 dans la soirée, ez money :p
no mAxiiii no win:D
3 frenchies. Must be a low team !
since de nAbio doesn't show up, fi kolibri is remplacing him :)
gl pur3
ain't done with our game yet :x playing decider right now sorry for waiting
all those idiotic lineup changes are ruining my money
tjah had je maar meteen op ons moeten inzetten :DDDD
to bad i don't play against my mate meNth:(!
gl sword my man!
bet on epic twice 2nite thanks for letting me down both times :D
fucking tards
That's definetly not yours day epic; D
check our line up, we're totally mixed :D
MENTh and sword have just joined epic and dooz is one of our back up so we had really no teamplay :/
I see what you mean but as I remember match versus b2k was so close to win ( I think you played without any tax)

gl in future :)
You have € 100 on nl PUR3
You won € 174
You have € 10 on nl PUR3
You won € 17.4

thx gg