vFight vs fif.gaming Team2 (5464 views)

ca fid0
de Arsen!c
de Maverick
nl Scream
nl TrixOr
no Zodiac
gb hakkz
nl Freedune
nl Fortes
be Rad!cal
nl Reevo
nl Trigger
nl Viber
29.03.07 20:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: TrixOr (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite

Broadcasted by

No Servers yet


gl fif lol
OMG its Allir and Pyroz and stuff
Allir, pyroz??
maybe not anymore dont have a clue
not even close? allir never was Vfight i know he have been in many clans :P
zomg itsmylittlebro and he sucks sorry let me play for sho btw he calls alwayshimeself pyroz niga pls
gl vFight !

Possible Win: 34.25 € (+29.25 €)
gl fido, trixor , reevotje(flameboi)
fido my man gl :P (he hates me nowdays tho :|)
Im not your friend :( (A)?
gl fiffers !
gl jere trixor kaide?(still vfight?)
kaide isnt vfight. he joined the clan from rqmbo
I am in FiF1 now, so no playing on ettv for me :).
But thx for the gl :).
ha das waar ook nu is fif-2 hunne rifler kwijt :O lolol mr der was al iemand van fif1 -> fif2 gegaan, was da ni?
gl fif
FiF2 Line-up:
[flag=nl ]Freedune
nl Fortes
be Rad!cal
nl Reevo
nl Trigger
nl Viber
waarom viber en geen jere
Omdat viber nexus heeft gebruikt
Rode yawns zijn niks, pbss zeggen pas dingen.
pbss blocker :D?
Ach wat weet jij er nou vanaf het enige waar jij fotos van hebt zijn naakte wijfen, puber.
haha,, wil je er ook een paar?
Nee bewaar ze maar voor jou en je dubbele komma's.
pbss zegt ook niet alles
idd net zoals bij storm force. :D
Go Fifers Go :)

Maar vooral gl Radical ( eenzame belg :o )
gl fido dido ;)
GL vFight :D
gl vfight...

trixx... nog daar ..? zit je nog steets in die telefooncel
sure, live vanuit de telefooncel,
viBer is l33t he wil own everyone because he is: Niet zuiver op de graat:P
So all the money on the sexy fiffers.
btw. gl fortes, freedune, reevo, viber en trigger <3
haha, suc6 ramon !
Ik niet? Vieze gay
Suc6 Maarten!
Nee, kwil me ulder niks meer te maken hebben.
Let wel goed op hoor t zit vol cheaters :|
1tje maar.
wor toch tijd dat ik ff die cel opblaas trixxx... :P

Haha:D,, doe je best :) maar ik wil ook dan een biertje om het te vieren
gl trixor and fif :o
Wens jezelf geluk :D
euvFight Lineup:

ca fid0
de Arsen!c
de Maverick
nl Scream
nl TrixOr
no Zodiac
gb hakkz

6 of those 7 will play =)
thought that more/ less will play :o
Funneh guy. ^^

GL to us btw, guess we need it. ;P
gl vFight
BC servers? :/
hmm.. laten we er leuke pot van maken...

trixx.mooie vrolijke zaatstengel... je biertje staat klaar ...:P

Haha:D,, kom hem donderdag na de match halen np :)
gl zodiac <3
vFight without a doubt
this game is even worse then cwG games......!?
Your bet: 10€ on fif2 Possible Win: 15.80 € (+5.80 €)

easy for zodiac!"
more low- matches ..
more low- posts
Agree, BTW fex if you dont intrested in low- matches, dont watch them and theres no problem but dont whine about it and let us play..
zodiac mate gL
jaQula. =D
And GL to sonatix.et too. <3
looking forward to seeing this one :P.....

GL Zodiac <3

Edit: I bet 25$ on u Zodiac, better not fk up -.- ..... :D kidding mate :> gl <3
We need slots otherwise you cant see :o
Haha. =]
Thanks. <3
gl trixor :)
any ettv shoutcaster ?
Zodiac GL<3

X-motive, the wnb-buster. =P

Thx. <3
Why add a match here if you dont have a broadcaster ready ?
you dont want! blame yourself:D.
We have broadcast.
Actually, even though I wasn't the one that requested this event, I was hoping you could sign your CwG ETTV server for us. You know, I know, we know eachother. ;)
Not so long as ZODIAC is a members in one of the clans SRY
Well, if you had provided one broadcast server, I wouldnt have played.
Since I'm suspicious about 35 year old guys that just buys servers to his clan, without playing himself.
< : o )
Hope I dont play very bad in this match, and get laughed of on ETTV. =DDD
dont worry... I will laugh first :P
ik heb mn zakje chips al klaarliggen :>
Zodiac.. You will :)
I will laught!
Shall we laugh @ your English skills aswell then, eh?

Go play with your hax to get "experience".
I lolled.
Nice answer viper. <33
well dont watch then
Where did the ETTV go? :o

no bc :(
aow vs some other guys

bah :<
nice server admin
fif ftw go VIBER!
gimme scores :(
4-0 to us. =DD

It was gg and wp by fif.
Close on frostbite. =]

Your bet: 416€ on vFight Possible Win: 1,110.72 € (+694.72 €)
j4f ettv server 2 and 1 doenst work, so we hadn't any broadcast. but vfight won 4-0 and it was a nice match, frosbite was sooo close but otheriwse GG..
Your bet: 100€ on vFight Won 267.00€

kijk daar kon ik op vertrouwen
tja, ik vind het het toch jammer hoor fiffers :( en niet alleen omdat ik 25 euro armer ben ;)