iNtakE.Gaming vs Polish Executors (7226 views)

You know you're cool when you have one of these bad boys!
14.01.11 22:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | Electronic Sports League | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Radar | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 34
Viewer Peak: 34

PE ? nie powinno byc czasem CK ? :D
submit a support ticket and tell admin to change PE to CK and give them team info.
submit a support ticket and tell admin to change PE to CK and give them team info.
nerds playing on friday :P
it's at like1:00pm.
stop trolling, your failing.
stop trolling, your failing.
he isnt cuz the polish guys are nerding :>>
gl iNtakE
thnx bud :D
sandbag playing?
izi money then
14.01.11 23:00 EET (FRIDAY)
14.01.11 13:00 PST
dont you canadians have or work or something?
i'm in advertising and promotions. I pick when i work :DDD
for the rest of my team its at 4pm for them.
they either are off work or out of school by 2:30pm
for the rest of my team its at 4pm for them.
they either are off work or out of school by 2:30pm
again, gl sand, crono, taz
Thnx bra!
go carry good sandbag!!!
oh snap!!!
forwarded to admin :DDDDD
forwarded to admin :DDDDD
oh hai
oh hai
THank you :D
GL Intake!
pTk + Alm To jest mecz esl a nie cb, wystarczy kupic troche mozgu ^^
wystarczy uzyc mozgu, a nie go kupowac zeby wiedziec ze ESL respektuje SLAC'a i bany przez niego nalozone;)
Gl solAr ;)
izi for HeaveNn
GL chlopy :D
dzieki "rudzielcu" :D
powodzenia solaro :)
dzieki :D!
shoutout to cronooo gl mate
solAAr HF
dziekiiii :)!
[22:07] sandbag: you think my teacher would give me an A if i showed her demo from goldrush
eeeee AzazelPazuzu :?
gl koksu ;P
eeeee AzazelPazuzu :?
gl koksu ;P
respirator :)
gl taZyaa :)* enemyjump :D
za salata!!!!!!!
Sandbag im really dissapointed in u, i come back and look who ur playing with o:
love you andrew :D
HeaveNn aka PeterPL :P
i told Foamea about his ban. and his ban has expired. so..
he is allowed to play.
if there is an admin avi at the time. i will ask for him/her to spec the match
he is allowed to play.
if there is an admin avi at the time. i will ask for him/her to spec the match
slaced idiot.
idiot? speak for yourself poltard.
fu parterre
english please.
This is an english based website.
This is an english based website.
oh please :D
That's what i was told.
and i asked it an admin could spec cus he is still banne don CB and he said his ban has been lifted and i was like wtf...
and i asked it an admin could spec cus he is still banne don CB and he said his ban has been lifted and i was like wtf...
heaven aka 73 acc on the map :-)
Gl sandbag!
k0ss = rito :DD
no it's r0ss
is he? if then goodluck boorito :P
Misiaczki zbijcie ich xD
Solar gl <3
Jebiesz Peter! :P
Solar gl <3
Jebiesz Peter! :P
Pozdro Kurwy & Gl. Przyda Wam sie ; DDDDDDDDD
hf rito
GL TaZyaaa ;)
TY, miss you bud :(
gl rito
which one is rito
nice lineup polaks
nice lineup polaks
good job garym8
cmon its esl !! !! !
ale z ciebie Sherlock ja pierdole
FUCK YOU ........... yyy? MALTAN XD
killerboy. pls msg me on irc /q taZyaa
Tazyaa ? Banned poltards cheaters ? Im definitely watching this game. Awww wait its friday
heaven = Peter_PL dziekuje,dobranoc
co slychac patryk?
a jako tako
You have 142 on us iNtakE. Cancel bet
Possible win: 372.04
Solar mysle ze mnie nie zawiedziesz :)
Na pierwszy resp pf, a na drugi ofensywna pucha xD ma byc czerwono w konsoli :P za to ci place :D
Possible win: 372.04
Solar mysle ze mnie nie zawiedziesz :)
Na pierwszy resp pf, a na drugi ofensywna pucha xD ma byc czerwono w konsoli :P za to ci place :D
no solarus gl :D
You know you're cool when you have one of these bad boys!
heavenn = peter, no to soda zaskoczyles wszystkich :DD gl piotrus
gl sandbag! :)
gl sandbag! xD USA mate
Polish Executros renamed to Polish Banned
no nie, i mowi to roni haha wygrales :D
nie mowei tylko pisze
po twoim reply napewno sie zawstydzil! dobrze roni!
You have 2000 on [PE]
Possible win: 2880
Possible win: 2880
przejebiesz xD
w solara i heavena nie wierzysz??? :D
no cus heavnn is a hacking FAAAAAGOT
Are you scared? :D :***
of what?
you?? nigga please.
you can't play et any better then you can fly a plane.
you?? nigga please.
you can't play et any better then you can fly a plane.
Nigga how do u know he cant fly a plane?
cus, your president died in a crash:D
prove me wrong!
prove me wrong!
President died in a crash = Heavenn cant fly a plane
Nice brain m8 !! :D
Nice brain m8 !! :D
im generalizing all poltard fucks.
wiem ze sandbag bedzie nietrafialny xD
dobra przekonales mnie wycofuje cash ;D
You have 636 on pl [PE] Cancel bet
Possible win: 1074.84
Wszystko zalezy od waszych sprawnych rak :-)
Possible win: 1074.84
Wszystko zalezy od waszych sprawnych rak :-)
My name isn't HeavHackfag1 :(
oh yes it is
gl both
"haysay" lol
wnb hayzay :DDD
new imarkison :)
where did that cunt go anyway ? ;o
not sure but i miss the little bugger :P
gl sandbag
mcdonalds guys so mad
add score....
add score....
4:0 just gg :)
add score tards
4;0 for pe
You have 107 on pl [PE]
Possible win: 249.31
Possible win: 249.31
load of whine because of rape by clean polaks.
this tazyaa guy - the lowest one whine during all the fucking match :D
this tazyaa guy - the lowest one whine during all the fucking match :D
clean polak k***a wierzysz w to co piszesz czy jaja sobie robisz ?
Duza ilosc haxow w polsce w glownej mierze wynika z rownie duzej liczby graczy. Kolejna sprawa to ich wiek - w polsce w gry zazwyczaj graja dzieciaki i to hobby dzieciakow, ktore pod wplywem upokorzonego ego instaluje roznorakie haxy. To tyle na temat cheaterstwa w Polsce. Kolejna sprawa to sam mecz; nawet jezeli Ci kompletnie nie znani mi graczy, ktorzy byli juz zlapani na haxach tym razem tez haxowali to albo ja jestem slepy, albo to swietnie ukrywali - wystarczajaco "swietnie", aby nie te lowki z kanady niczego nie zauwazyly.
was wp by PE, dunno what all this whine about hacking is, they were on slac :)
SLAC says nothing really lol, never the less, they clearly weren't cheating.
i thought u were supposed to be good.... wth sandbag, more like sandbad!!!
rotfl, both played without even one obvious action.
totally agree. never saw 1 obvious action in the 2 rounds. this FRAZE guy? esl admin? random spec? cos tbh, what he saw, i never....
If its ESL admin they should immediately kick him out because of fucking pathetic kiddish behavior.
I saw lots of action, of course I recorded it piaskun's and not long he will be on the list of banned players on ESL. but what I can do esl admins just doing nothing. like I said ESL = polaks with hacks. & Ex-Cheaters.
I can do nothing merely to show the demo to one of the Admins. the match should not take place when a player banned from playing in the game, and still uses the cheats during the match.
I can do nothing merely to show the demo to one of the Admins. the match should not take place when a player banned from playing in the game, and still uses the cheats during the match.
you joined that ettv server with the tag ESL.FRAZE . were you invited to spec? if so, by who?
gg Heaven and others wp (k0ss)
ban sran, gdzie tego bana maja
unhit little tits
ive no idea why this intake mob are never off ettv....theyre fucking awfull. the whine is HIGH and the skill is low. look at this crono nub above me talking about them being "unhit". wtf? hes canadian, with a 150+ ping, whining about not being able to hit someone from europe? how about you fuck off and play in your own cuntry (yes, thats no typo) then? tazyaa is like the loudest mouthed litttle peon ive had the misfortune to watch in any game in a LONG time, and then he talks likes hes maus's aim mentor? please. less of this lowskill bollocks and more games that people want to actually watch.
ok there Mr.Heppinstall
at least it provides entertainment when one of them complains about "retards" and gamestv being an "english only site" when they seem to barely be literate themselves.
our interpretation of "entertainment" is different im afraid fella. id rather punch my own balls for 4 rounds live on ettv than sit through that shite again. i see your point though, the immensity of this lots shiteness is brilliant, if not slightly depressing.
oh don't get me wrong, i wouldn't hesitate to throw them all in a pit and build a city on top of it. not for a second.
he's even deleting comments now that make him look even more stupid, which is ironic, as i dont think thats even possible....
shut up you clearly havent watch the fucking match you blind piece of shit THEY ARE UNHIT I REPEAT THEY ARE UNHIT 10-4 ROGER THAT ?
im watching the "match" now. fucking hilarious. of course theyre unhit if you have no aim to hit with ..... "blind piece of shit" is priceless, when in fact, i think 5 blind grannies with 8 fingers on each hand could beat your "team". yeah, i roger.
LOL you make me laugh, go back to your tea and crumpets please.
get your facts right you lowskill wnb midskill loudmouth. im scottish, its haggis and whiskey .... the shit you talk son......i dissapointed.
you got a uk flag. stfu.
haggis, ew. you nasty fuck. even worse.
im disappointed in you fyi.
haggis, ew. you nasty fuck. even worse.
im disappointed in you fyi.
Oi taZyaa i'm scottish
but your not an asshole, so you're good
if calling it likes i sees it makes me an asshole.... then yeah, i am. although, if you look back at everything ive written tonight, none of it has stooped so low as to give you personal insults :) guess im just the bigger person huh....
+ fucking 1
Rly well said. Those Canadians taZyaa and Crono have longer tongue than dick.
Im your fan from now on ;D
Rly well said. Those Canadians taZyaa and Crono have longer tongue than dick.
Im your fan from now on ;D
give me my money idiot.
he wont accept the score. he always does it when he loses, which is every time he plays :<
links of other matches?
all are closed now. eventually....but it always takes him at least 12-24 hours to accept any score, which im sure youll agree isnt ideal with the ettv viewers waiting for a win or a loss score to keep their bets going?
12-24 hours, are you mentally unstable.
you're the most retarded person to register on this website.
you're the most retarded person to register on this website.
wow. you get very excited dont you. pity you cant turn that e-rage into something tangible , like aim.
i just dislink blind ignorant fools such as yourself.
aim isn't exactly tangible though :p
don't flame me, im just sayin'! :D
don't flame me, im just sayin'! :D
kevlar i hope we meet one day so i can shake your hand lol... u speak nothing but the truth
lol @ kevlar remind me of groundskeeper willie from simpson total asshole who clean up after ppl shat in toilet and ride his tractor screaming at everyonel and being mad cause he lost his virginity to a bagpipe and he got red hair
You must be comic book guy.

score kurwa
my money nerds!
result edited, have fun
you rock enigma! :D
thanks I guess^^
You have 259 on pl [PE]
You won 603.47 THX
You won 603.47 THX
You have 2 on iNtakE.
You lost
fu rito
You lost
fu rito