epinephrine vs Kot Da Vinci (7745 views)

20.01.11 20:00 CET
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League: | ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | Electronic Sports League | |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 33
Viewer Peak: 33

Beton cisnij kurwa! Skipcio, morfik, war, karin, roli, gl & hf :P W razie "w" wspomoge was "duchowo" xD
gl epi :->
swiatlo pedal
+1 :D
jak do chuja pana mozna miec nick swiatlo no zesz kurwa mac co za 12 letni mongol, brakuje wam tam kurwa jeszcze PrOnDu i WtYcZkI ......................... o kurwa mac
proNd :D
powiedzial gosc o nicku wonsacz
zamknij ryj jebane wannabe, jakbys mial chociaz cwierc mozgu to bys wpadl na to ze to jest specjalne napisane z capsem tzw troll acc wiec japson
GL epinephrine :]
gl orik ;p
swiatlo pedal
GL tramal & sk1p
dzieks staszku
GL SwiAtlO,Hypno,Dks
gl macek! gl tramal! :-D
dzieki :)
mozecie mnie wpisac do lu :) zagram z wami :D misiaczki :P pokaramy epinephrine :P:P
luz na szelkach
"luz na szelkach" padlem XD
smialo stawiam cala kase na versusa jesli tylko miho bedzie gral xD
lubie placki.
GL epi! HF SwiAtlO!
gl tramal :)
gl tramal macek :)
gl tramal swiatlo
gl darklesS
dzieki wszystkim <3
gl zarowka
- swiatlo. +dymek:D
Jaroslaw Dymek :D?
b4j4bongo !
Bajceps to miala byc tajemnica !!!!
I feel so alone :(
don't be sad my friend
Gl karin
sk1p = samurai ?:D
esl/cb? buy eyes, or this is to difficulty mystery for your small brain.
gl WAr :D
hf @ gtv mufasa :{D
nie wplacac pinionszkuf na nas bo przejebemy jak zawsze zreszta . pewnie stawiajcie na przeciwnika !
sk1p <-- cipa, War <-- cipa, miho <-- cipa, morf <-- kutas, karin <-- <3 misiaczeQ :* GL boys :*:*:*:*:*:*:*
You have 1000 on eu vinci Cancel bet
Possible win: 1540
GL skipcio <3
Possible win: 1540
GL skipcio <3
pojebalo ;D nie stawiaj przegrasz Dorota !
GL mAcek & wAr
gl WAr :p
thank you sweety.
Dorota sklej pizde...
Why use a polypepetide hormone as a team name :)?
epinephrine isn't a polypeptide, it is synthesised from the amino acid tyrosine. polypeptides are chains of amino acids, better known as proteins~
hey, i just raised the intellectual level of gtv, now watch it get smashed back to 0 \o/
hey, i just raised the intellectual level of gtv, now watch it get smashed back to 0 \o/
I said it is a polypeptide HORMONE. That`s a complete different thing.
I ain`t retarded :).
I ain`t retarded :).
polypeptide hormones exist and are indeed a completely different thing, but epinephrine isn't one of them D: epinephrine is a single molecule, derived from tyrosine - wiki "catecholamine" for the class of hormones it belongs to ~~
lol, I don`t communicate with ignorent wnb`s :D. gl with yr knowledge ;p.
Try #wikipedia smartass :). Cause there`s the real stuff...
GL epinephrine
sk1p ping 300 ja pierodle
epic match. GG;/
huj do dupy info z cipy sk1p na fula :D