energy-WAVE vs red as a beetroot (4223 views)

ca rockstAr
ca rossko
ca anim
ca monkey
be PlAyer
nl Ati_
fi lettu
fi clouver
fi walle
fi maza
fi Leikkuri
fi Iron

Matchserver not working, they started playing already without ETTV
16.01.11 15:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: Lazio (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3

Total Pot: € 32056
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2




werd mol erwachse.. niemert findet de first scheiss lustig
Werd mal erwachsen.. niemand findet den first scheiss lustig
ici for e wave ! Gl , Ati ,rockstar , rossko and lettu
gl ewave <3 rossko rockstar
gl e-wave,no pauze no win

You have € 174 on fi RAAB Cancel bet
Possible win: € 459.36
gl Ati_
in ati i believe
You have € 250 on RAAB
Possible win: € 582.5
go raab
gl e-wave, win me e-monies.
Good luck rockstAr
oh thanks for asking me to play guys
gl canadians + ati :)
monkey gonna pwn
hf playing at 9 am sean :DDD
hf playing at 9 am sean :DDD
the guy above me is gay
you mad cus your butt buddy got kicked out of my team?
Not really, im just worried about your team, as they have a low- player named tazyaa i just thought u might be worried.
im sure im better then you.
not really low- or even low.

Im baked cus i smoke alot of weed, and i enjoy being in that calm state of mind.
I also drink alot because I like to party and go clubbing/bar/pub hoping so...

I couldn't care less what your tiny undeveloped underage mind thinks of me.

Cheers kiddy :D
Ok Mr internet gangster
Ty for seeing it my way little boy.
Now, run along and go play with the other little boys and girls.
Nice to see a canadian that cant even speak his mother language properly.
are you retarded or what.....
Quoteim sure im better then you.
change plAyer with someone skilled and it should be easy win.. so its gonna be a tight game.
where pAuz? ^^^^^^
omg nl Ati_ omg
gl rockstar anim rossko monkey :)
ettv no workey
none of the ettv servers are up for this cup :<
oxid vs colt 45 ?

kamz crashed all the servers hoping he gets a higher viewerpeak :S