Pistols vs addicted 2 id (4662 views)

ru gtakiller
ru slaw
ru k2
ru crosby
ru alex
ee damaskus
se dimljus
se blacki
se seven
se 8roxz
se arslet
se pukas
se vktr
maps: supply / etcenter_final (18MB)
23.01.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CPC 6vs6 cup v.2 » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: GtaKiller (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7715
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2


iz 4 me
gl pistols:-) hf alex :)))
good to see 6on6 pure enemy territory incoming on sunday
kötta dom!!!!
murbruk runt kommande
where is fuzz ? :)
played 1st edition of this cup with [baNdA] already ,& cuz of being in our roster there he won't be allowed 2 play for pistols
[banda] looks like more some brotherhood of all et players :D why the cl doesn't want to play in the clan, hm ?:P
4 years ago I had the lu consisting of Russian players only but few of them quitted when quakewars demo came out, they decided QW is teh future & it would kill ET :D
There weren't (& aren't atm) many ru players playing competitively. Most of them were in eOh clan & i had 2 ways - to recruit some jaymode\etpub lads or go on with foreigners so I chose the 2nd path.
concerning yr 2nd q-n, I stopped playing actively 2 years ago & now I play like twice a week, mostly some mixes but rarely I play in the offis, too.
4 years ago i was small kid and crosby mom said, dude go play enemy territory wolfenstein. I said hey gtakiller, lets create loip and play together with k2. k2 decided to quit his game quake3 because he has low reaction time of his nerves (5 seconds) and said me - ok. It was an epic moment of our cyber brotherhood, M1ghty^brother said that he jellows or pillows our LOIP, and we created E0h, sever years after. Now you might be interested what happened after that? I place twice a week and now I play with my friend unblinde (from India), he buy computer details in Kalkuta. I play in the offis, too.
Etcenter_final will be epic...
gl gta. gl pistols
gl Pistols
gl gtakiller ;)
gl to me...
et_center is normal map, but too much items such as boxes, stones, stairs. Also tunels looks ugly.
New map sould not be so messy.( If someone make maps still.)
gl GtaKiller and Dimljus
gl ru bros
gl pistols
hi Rizzin, good to see you here on this good site.
4:0 foor pistolss