Justfire vs Izi 4 Pandas @ National eSport (3474 views)

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nl Mott4
23.01.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: spaki (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 1819
The bets have been cancelled.

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tnchz, pow4h, morf gl :D
haha flo + tanczez i wanna to believe.jpg :D:
gl tanczez :D
spac nolifie
l4z editing matches at 1:31 and calles other one nolifie :PpP
whata nolife go sleep :D!
:D nah browsing gtv & cf while watching scrubs ftw !
ofensywnie ;]
gl morfey ;)
Gl mott4 toppertje!
oo trzeba obejrzec ;-D
a nie dam rady, ;[
trzeba nagrac
shotout dla mojego osobistego trenera bedzie!
izi4pandas :D
gl morfey & tancerz
Flo jebaj kurestwo :D ... GL morfey
gl tanchez flo mott4
gl symky & spaki & morfey
Gl morf
tnchz, pow4h, morf gl :D
gl pandas!
gl tanchez & mott4
GL spaki...:)
izi powah i tanchez ;) bo mufas to lou! :<
gl :) pedalki :*
gdzie gej tv?:x
nie bedzie, nie dodali servera
gl motta