Team Netherlands #2 vs Team Germany #3 (10106 views)

nl Lun4t1C
nl xPERiA
nl teKoa
de Kevji
de Predi
de Kiwi
23.01.11 17:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 3on3 NationsCup 2011
Hosting: 3on3 Nationscup
Manager: xperia (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 52722
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 186


gl Kevji, Predi & kiwi <3
Team germany 3 fick ja :D

gl allen <3
friday?! thought we are playing it on sunday?
gl teKoa, xperia, Kevji, predi, kiwi
dont u wish gl for lunatic?
GL all ! :)
16 cet, wtf
gl :)
gl blutbad
gl kiwi, money on u
gl nederlanders <3
gl nederlanders <3
eitje voor holland =)
Tekoa is de enige schijnende ster aan deze horizon
lunatic niet?:D
Haha in 3on3 niet
Daar zou ik niet zo zeker van zijn
Haha sorry,man maar jawel!
gl kiwi
Badmeester Willem is baas.
gl kiwi
Lun4t1C :D <3
gl teKoa and predi
gl de and tekoa :D
gl turken
who is nl team #1
saken nohead joshua squid :>
gl kevji frucht
izi4da netherlands.
gl tekoa
gl germany
gl Tekoa:D
gl kevji, predi & kiwi :)
gl kiwi :)
gl kiwi
GL teKoa de Slopa
gl xPERIA :)
gl yermany
gl jungs
wie schlecht ist denn team germany xD
gl germans, but you have tough opponents :D
gk haut die weg
in our germans...we trust!!!!!!!!

glück jungs
teKoa ftw
gl tekoa<333333333333333333333333333333
unfortunally cheaters will win.
decheaters united
Holland über alles!
german trash woohoo
gl germany <3
Use your real nicks, nerds
such a great namers getting rolled :o ??? :D
gg ":D"
should have set it higher " :D "
hehe ":P"
sry i were to drunken to get the right settings
damn :_(
Kiwi matt
ah ..
phyzic: i predict an easy 4-0 for the germans

such a shame you had to fail on 1st doc run on fb germany. ohwell
nice final hope with knife
Hide with obj instead of hunting a frag, Ger ffs...
4-2 for NL
NL contgratulations ;]
xperia score ! i want my money back ;d
noob cannot enter score!

edit nice deleting comment:-D
phyzic: i predict an easy 4-0 for the germans

atleast someone who trust in us :(

tbh we failed hard at supply could have been such an easy fullhold -.-
i trusted in you, you let me down
cheaters lost
mein geld...

You have € 10 on 3.DE
You lost

jungens ;/
cus u cheat u cant kill 3 ppl with humanaized bro. Fail.
You have € 6 on 3.DE
You lost

was da los :D
du machst es besser!