Canada vs Australia (8699 views)

ca rockstAr
ca rossko
ca anim
au hammerkrook
au pedro
au dongo
23.01.11 04:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 3on3 NationsCup 2011
Hosting: 3on3 Nationscup
Manager: anim (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 52996
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 41


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u r gay brandon
gl rockstar :D <33
gl to canada.
easy for the aussies :D
what type of pings will AU have compared to canada?
not sure yet, have not decided on a server. If US west coast 200/250 for us and 100 or less for them...
if we win anim, i want a months supply of milk bags.
3o3 nations cup ? = life
Good luck rossko <3

dongo will deliver
gl aus :O
most likely pedro in for Witface (wit still away on holidays).
easy for canada ! :)
nah mate

dongo, hammer and pedro got this

ANIM your fucked mate
GL Canada.
should be a decent match if the AUS ping isn't 250+
does any1 happen to come from Queensland : D ?
i do mate.
are u yet able to play? or is everything flooded : D okay, no more sarcasm ; )
king tide tomorrow, so it might flood more.
23.01.11 04:30 CET

no przeciez nie beda grali o 21 CET tylko po to zeby europejczycy mogli ich obejrzec :P
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 41


20% europejczyków :pppp
23.01.11 05:30 EET

lol nerds
what part of Canada vs Australia dont you understand ?
part where its about 10 o'clock there on friday evening ?
1st of all saturday not friday 2nd of all ppl dont go to a party etc every friday and saturday so plz
14 hour difference or something like that, you pick a time retard.
u mad?

lol, that's all these trolls can say nowadays.
"troll"? this guy isn't a troll, he's just mentally challenged.
isn't that one of the many definitions of a troll? :)
Nah, a troll can actually be funny :)
by the way theres 7 to 8 hour gap according to converter son :) so youre still bunch of nerds
there's a +9/10 hour difference between CET/GMT and aussie time, there's a -6/7 hour difference between CET/GMT and Canada, you do the math idiot.
yea? :)
no going to be playing world of warcraft from 10pm onwards you want to join?
well thats a first class troll :D
gl canada :)
Gl nerds
gl both, I hope you wont play etbeach :o
yesss! i can watch this match after klub in afterpartys!
lol game XDDDDD nice u still play ET!!! Gratz!!
whos comeback from those players ?

gl to the team with the maple leaf flag
dongo will deliver
Brandon, do well my son.
Stop right there Blanksta. I know it's you!
Sean will deliver as usual <3
lager vs lager fucking game
i'm sure they wont lag this time :P
they arent lagging.
gl rockstar.<3 gl rossko
hf both :D
gl dongo <3
gl hammerkrook
what's with the odds, there are some pretty good australians :o
those Canadians play a lot more than us, we are going to get rolled hard :p
gl shitbags
boring :D
4-0 gj canada
interesting game
wheres monkey?