Team Armageddon vs (4226 views)

de ScoOf
de xyL
de japoooo
ee ubka
ee klapp
ee Needle
ee syco
22.01.11 15:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: cAshy (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4
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Total Pot: € 2117
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 14


Needle will test his new Aimbot. =)
and xyl the upgrade of his wallhack?
gl needle & ubka
haha cashy gl :D
u wll need(le) it
gl AG
not sure who is lower :S
höhöhöhö you're funny lets do a 3o3 against you & your Team?
i dont have a team (or do i play et anymore) but my last one would have taken a shit all over you
You can talk much. Get 2 nice guy & lets play a random match on gtv. :)
i dont play et anymore, but maybe i'll sign up to OC 3o3 next in spring when i get new internet. would have to play a ladder match vs you though since you would be like 9 divisions below me.
u scared thats all :P
ye totally. i'll do a 3o3 vs u in spring when i get new internet.
fine for me
du weist schon das sein team euch easy rolled?

E: könnt ihr vielleicht doch schaffen, habt ja schon top teams wie Kind trotz Pille und Austria zerstört ":D"
ne weiß er nicht:SD
der schwänzelt echt zu viel mit seinen freunden rum
sei doch leise :( ich hätte so gern sein verhlaten gesehen wenn die wirklich mal gegeneinander gespielt hätten und der cashy easy wegbasht :D
he bashes u...
lol der typ macht euch locker fertig, der is med+ :)
what an ego :D
i remember arguing with you before about noobs :( they are both low aren't you gonna agree?
tbh, team armaggedon are nearly med, and dental is also quite good, but Im not sure if they are clean ^^

e: neverthless they dont reach your skill :)
aw blushing:P but im not good, these guys are really bad. especially ubka and needle they are very low:P never heard of klapp and syco i guess they found them on cybergames or something.
yea probably they are low or med but who cares (:
idd they aren't worth the attention =/
u remember arguing with me 2 :-P
about what, i argue with u all the time :S
<3 brb watching ger vs nl
faggots vs cheaters
Gl deNtal!!!!!
gl dental
sry but its 4:0
You have € 30 on AG
You lost

lowis -.-