high readiness forces vs Nové Lamy (3960 views)

pl Th0r
pl daGGer
pl Orzeszty
pl Yoshikama
pl Walcu
cz esti
cz darius
cz madua
cz LEE
cz HuuHuu
1st Matchweek / 8th league - #easy.cup

27.01.11 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup VI 5v5 » Matchlink
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: darius :D (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11492
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 16


You have € 167 on cz NL Cancel bet
Possible win: € 327.32
3stowy na ciebie dagger
ale jak przejebiesz to oddajesz ze swojej kiesy xP
gl hrf
ohoho :d GL !!
gl NL
a sprobujcie tego nie wygrac

gl daGGer Th0r Orzeszty :*
wiesz wszystko mozliwe, myszka mi sie zjebala :(
gl darius
thx m8 :-* !!!
gl orzeszty
a ECC to porazka z tymi ligami .
gl th0r
lol lol gl .. :)
daGGer i Th0r ? To wy jeszcze gracie O_o ;D GL!
You have € 184 on hrf
Possible win: € 277.84

GL guys
Had to laugh at one of the players giving out ip and password for ettv viewers to see :)
gg wp!
bhaahbahbahbahbaahbha b!
uu :(
jsem hrál jak za mlada :-D
You have € 167 on cz NL
You won € 449.23

nie ma to jak czesi aka nogi zamiast glowy
You have € 205 on NL
You won € 551.45
jen tak dál :)
uu :(
jebane low