Israel vs Team Belgium #1 (5047 views)

il destiny
il justice
be Sup3r
be AL1
be chizz6l
Group D 1st match
27.01.11 22:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 3on3 NationsCup 2011
Hosting: 3on3 Nationscup
Manager: destiny133t (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
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Total Pot: € 25258
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 40


thanks for all the positive comments xoxo
Sup3r positively sux :))
its ali's destiny to reach justice and kill superjew by using his Sup3r chizz6l
its LION now instead of superjew :-)
LION in a 3on3? LOL, does mimi remember how to use an smg? :P
my sentence still makes sense by replacing superjew with LION :)
You have € 22 on be 1.BE
You won € 22.66

mine hahaha all mine :)

belgian pride keeping us in the 3vs3 NC, well done boys!
alles voor u boss jonge x, we zulle finse honde ook afmake
tegen welke finnen moet ge?
paar randoms, genaamd olbaa squall swanidius fzo, kome van 2.55 denk ik :)
niks dan lag, voor de rest niks speciaal !
buite da as ge u kop toont da ge dood zijt enzo
niks tegen 2.55 he :D chizzel hard community member there