KG.Clan Attention! vs Business District (4730 views)

de Djietsh
de BLR
de balu
de Sioz
de bluTbad
de PaRzi
de kNocHe
de wsk
fi J
nl dezire
de Gungy
03.02.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Liga4Fun » Matchlink
Manager: #Sioz (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7540
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


gl kg, knoche, wsk
bee dee four life ~~
gl gunggggyyyyyy and the rest of bd :D
gl kg
glglglglglglggl :D
Goodluck gungy, easy bash for u lanowner


dont ban me from ts3 please
Good luck Gungy! :D

wsk and balu :)
I know SL|Gungy :O hes like uber awesome and stuff, i wish him the best of luck
Too easy for BD!
parzi , gungy , dezire, wsk !!! have funn <3
wsk back in time for a spot in the german NC team?
been asked mate, but just not time at the moment to play in liga4fun AND NC :[
GL BähDäh!
warum spielst du nicht? :(
soll ich aushelfen? :D
GL bd & gungy
gl kNocHe
gl bd :**** gungy homo ! :D
kack ettv warum jedes spiel ;VSfsfsfsfsfs
zigeuner ruhe btw gl
damit die leute sioz speccen können!°
Natürlich, ich tue das nicht für uns, sondern für die Gesellschaft!
du bist sooo großzügig
Ich mach halt alles für den Clan und blah :> Und jetzt halt die Klappe du kleiner Schmarotzer ^^
kg kann das locker packen .. wir haben die mixed abgezogen
Good luck balu
good luck both :d gungy ftw
3 maps already?
OMG Busines Distric come back! OMG!! <3
gl & hf KG
gl both
gl bd
knocheeeee :DDDD
gl gungy and wim! <3
gl gungy knoce wsk
gl kG xD
hf knoche
gl J i love u iam ur fan :D (i promise gungy told me nothing :P)
gl knoche :)
WSK + KNOCHE . sons, dont dissapoint.

You have € 720 on bd
Possible win: € 1051.2
oh noes the pressure! :D
you're fucking right its pressure motherfucker. do it.
I dedicate this glorious victory to you :D
me and hayerenii watched the whole game and shouted for you and knoche the whole time. it was a bit of a mission!!!!!! you rock :D:D:D:D:D:D
hahaha awesome <3 :D
ill be honest. i did not see you winning adler, but you actually rocked that shizz. and thanks for ze shoutouts! <3 xxx
Gungy deliverer ;)
wp kg
gj gungy! you so pro
You have € 250 on de kG
You lost
