Czech Republic vs Slovakia (9680 views)

cz denton
cz jalo
cz Green_clon
cz malfoy
cz milhAus
sk bladee
sk pyth9n
sk Silent
sk boby
sk Kredenc
08.02.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: tAMjee (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 73994
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 116


GL SVK < pyth9n,bladee,boby GL CZ < Green Clon

Prvi a dufam, ze nie posledny spolocny zapas v CB NC, ktory sa zapise do dejin. :)

Good Lag CZE
cim prosimte?
vidim to na pulhodinovej zapas s jednim fullholdem a jednou rychlovkou

myslim, ze se zapsal .........
bude ten komentar od smOka ?
gl & hf both (:

aaa nasi milovani sousedi :-) gl kluci jak SVK tak CZ:)
gl svk hf cze

malfoy at chcipne
gl CZE! hf SVK
izi bash 4 malfoy!
izi for cz..cyp? -_-
to bude zajimavy Gl oboum :)
2 ** lold
CB ET NationsCup XIV
wow what a reasoning ..lold
cz Loo
cz cpu
cz prokinek
cz mnew
cz jalo

Get this lu back,it was great
prokinek and loo not playing, cpu got some pc probs (afaik) and mnew? cmon, denton > mnew
Loo, rejected my offer to play NC, he said he let play fresh blood.
cpu cant blame his PC/ntb prob.
Prokinek who knows where is he right now :}D
Mnew - u just kidding right?
jalo - he plays

problem officer? :p
i just copy pasted the old lu,they played quite good together as far as i remember
old times are gone m8 :s
czmnew has something that noone in this lineup has : he's a nerd. That's why you should get him in.
this lu was created of bunch of nerds, deal with it.
but still teente missing - hope he return to play et again
flying hovnos power!
easy for slovakia
gl svk :) bladee, pyth9n, sillent :) hf CZE :)

GL Tchekoslovakia!
why world war? :D
we did never fight against each other?
Just said it for separation ^^ I have nothing against your both country
tak to si koupim flasku vína a mrknu)) doufám že to bude napínavi abych si moch dát i panáčka))
svk = mafia
I smell some warp
I smell fanboy of mine commenting every single match I play :D
buuut hes true ;)
cz Green_Clon Monday, 7th February 2011 23:12
I know I do warp, tried to fix it, even made journal on cf to ppl help me, but nothing helped. I am not happy about that either, and I am getting tired of explaining it.
tak snad uz len new net
How could you know I was talking about you ?
Ale ty naozaj warpujes :) V pondelok proti exo na side-och...
warpuju vsude,ne jen proti exo na sidu :D
vis nahore
Vsak ano, ale tam proti exotom to bolo az moc moc vidno ;)
Snad to dnes bude lepsie.
si chalan: D
Ste si istí?
Warpujes naozaj vsade :^^
gl team cze, especially vihree_klooni. :)
You have € 10 on sk SVK Cancel bet
Possible win: € 555.6

boze co tam dela malfoy?
You have € 20 on sk SVK Cancel bet
Possible win: € 2000
do not make me go back to 10!!!
You have € 25 on SVK
Possible win: € 2309.75
Good luck CZ GreenClon (RANGER) :)
hf jalo & gl cze <3
gl jalo u cunt
You have € 10 on SVK
Possible win: € 256

moje posledni
where the fuck is Loo -.-
gl cze :-))
gl cze
[20:46:37] <`iR|milhAus> ty vole ty dostanou jak psi
[20:47:35] <Charlieeezed> si docela veris ne?
[20:48:44] <`iR|milhAus> tak uz jsem neco proti low+ odehral

milhaus neni low+ ?
Uz to nikdo nehraje tak si o sobe muze hodne myslet... Konkurence zadna..
klid, charlie trolluje
tak se omlouvam ... a wp , vela stastia v dalsich zapasoch
no mAus no win
How unexpected :(
gl v dalsich bojoch