Fear Factory X-Fi vs snd multigaming (5422 views)

ClanBase EuroCup XV Qualifier Match
05.04.07 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XV
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Adacore (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
us Radio iTG
By: WooKasH
Listen to WooKasH
Language: English

Total Slots: 500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)

de ETTV.fr, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
By: skooli (ettvd)

pl #isko.et #2
By: mRk (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


Your bet: 250 on FF X-Fi Possible Win: 3,972.50 :) gl FF

BTW im 1 :P
gl fuzz vinyl officer P:
plx FF :*
Öhh!? Wasn't snd gonna play against uC?
det ändrades för vi kunde inte spela före måndag för kiitos och nils är på malta och dem kunde inte spela efter fredag :P

english: it changed cause snd couldnt play after friday and we couldnt play before monday since kiitos and nils are on vacation at malta. so we got to face vigorZ on monday now.
What lineup snd multigaming ??
zu einfach für l00dwig
may need to reschedule being nobody told us of this reschedule :\
go go Wrobel Honey own them :) , gl ludi aber 1on6 wird nicht gespielt .
Where is a lineup?
pl r1co`
pl wiesiek
pl S4rna
pl sMi
pl krisek
pl nrs

de Coffin
de haZer
lv fuzz
lv vinyl
ch Melkor
ru Officer

as far as i know...
Mrozu hasn't played with FF from over 8 months ;o and krisek won't play in this match also.
who will replace them Wrobel and r1co?
r1co and smieszek
gl snd :=)
greets from hot island Wrobel Wiesiek xxx
gl both of u
why cancelled?
Cancelled cause we havent seen haZer in 4 days and he isnt really likely to turn up today either. Its okay though, FF deserve to be in eurocup.
I rly hope that FF will get a new opponent cause else we could have got a forfeit win too.
You didnt want us. :_(
yes we did but fuzz said u couldn't play after friday untill 15th
Im just joking man, the only thing i can do right now, since there is nothing we can do about it, except for propping up mashed and some merc to play with us. ;D FF got another opponent too, so everything is ok.
oke :p