Team Iceland vs United Kingdom (7993 views)

is phyZiC
is sAs1
gb razz
gb sqzz
gb R0SS
3v3 NationsCup 2011
3rd Matchweek
06.02.11 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 3on3 NationsCup 2011
Hosting: 3on3 Nationscup
Manager: rNz (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 72735
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 184


3rd* kennst du es
Er kennst nicht aber er ist ein Berliner.
:D Er ist eine deutsche Kartoffel !
ja klar mit Salad und Käse!!!!!
Nix gegn berliner :-)
spasti is mir schon klar mit 3rd unso
und warum flamest du mich jetzt ? :D
wollt dich nich flamen :D
get 5rd or kick!
You have € 2000 on is ICE Cancel bet
Possible win: € 3700
You have € 100 on gb UK Cancel bet
Possible win: € 295

izi lads
gl phyzic :)
go for it boys ;)
gl arnarm8
gl phyzic :)
freak vs ross

gl both <3
nice match :o gl both
You have € 3000 on UK
Possible win: € 4170

Good luck Iceland + razz & sqzz <333
pds - ross hater? ^^
You have € 50 on UK
Possible win: € 67.5
Okay so i made bad bet and put all my money in on one game. Now seems that GTV was so kind and donated me 10 euroz since i didint have anything left. Gonna raise it back up :)

You have € 10 on gb UK Cancel bet
Possible win: € 13.5
Slá, all in, treysti á ykkur drengir
ef þú lýtur á hvaða borð eru spiluð þá mundi ég hugsa mig tvisvar um.
you're using strange words with that strange language of yours:O
Ég myndi líka hugsa tvisvar um það
Gl sqzz razz & phyzik
phyzic vs sqzz, gonna be epic!
Nice match incomming :)
arnar vs razz, gonna be epic!
You have € 50 on UK
Possible win: € 68

izi 4 sqzz
drullið essu í gang!
gl sqzz :) and UK
You have € 60 on UK
Possible win: € 82.8
gl sqzz
gl and hf iceland ;] all money on you :d
keyrum þetta ígang keyrum þettaí gang förum bráðum down town !
gl uk
should be a nice game
razz and phyzik will rape
gl sqzz & uk
gl phyzic
robbi komdu a vent!
sAs1 will play for me. gg both teams
4 real?
Gl sqzz
iceland most underrated team
poor sas :(

4000+ damage on gr and only 11 kills :P FRAGSTEALERS BRUV!
sorry phyzic i know you didnt choose to be born in iceland.
sqzz strong