Team France #2 vs Canada (4905 views)

fr Bowler
fr didi
ca rockstAr
ca rossko
ca anim
06.02.11 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: 3on3 NationsCup 2011
Hosting: 3on3 Nationscup
Manager: Bowler (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ice

Total Pot: € 19151
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


gl canada
c'est là qu'il faut faire la surprise :)
gl camille kick their canadian arses
izi for canada.. won't be hard at all.
gl canada :)
IZI for rossko and anim :D
easier for rockstar though :o
I told him to go easy on me in a 3on3 cup once, and he tells me not to hack.
gl can <3 rossko rockstar
You have € 100 on fr 2.FR
Possible win: € 345

gl mais sa va etre chaud
You have € 1000 on ca CAN Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1280

rockstar carrys<3
gl man!
gl Canada, wont be easy :)
not at all :)
i wouldnt be surprised if the french take this one, as they are quite good 3v3 players,and been playing together for quite a long time,but same goes to canada,they been playing together for a long time.In my eyes this could go either way
You have € 50 on fr 2.FR
You won € 152.5

Easy lose :p
Go Canada!!!
gl m8s

Bliss 27-1 Anim


Also dm17 sucks
Gl :)
gl bowler & didi.
hf les pha
GL Fiston :)
3/1 for Fr2 :)
You have € 100 on fr 2.FR
You won € 305

wp :D
You have € 511 on fr 2.FR
You won € 1558.55

gg wp guys :) !
You have € 105 on 2.FR
You won € 320.25
omg lows
wtf.. canada lost.

/kill irl..

ca trance Friday, 4th February 2011 17:42
izi for canada.. won't be hard at all.
pourquoi sa a été cancel?
You have € 50 on ca CAN
You lost

You have € 3 on 2.FR
You won € 9.15
gj les fr :)
gg :D
wait wat?
omg omg why cancel?