The Last Resort vs Impact Gaming (24440 views)

be dAv1d
hr aCoZz
es Winghaven
lv Clown
be mAus
cz marv
fi Xpaz
fi mystic
fi Raveneye
fi Tiigeri
nl teKoa
nl m1lk
ET Masters Winners FINAL
CB6 config with NO MINES allowed on battery, using mines will result in map lost for offending team
08.04.07 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET Masters
Manager: eVo (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
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de GIGA.listen (Mashed & FlyingDJ)
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Language: Polish

Total Slots: 5,500
Listener Peak: unknown

Enemy Territory TV
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de, Hub/Recorder 1 (30 slave slots)
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 1,055


Easter Sunday <o/
Impact ftw.
#3 impact!!!
TLR... Again

<3 Acozz
4-2 impact \o/
final match
winners final not the grand final which will be held on LAN at cpc2
- Inc vs vae
- vae vs k1ck
- TLR vs mQ
- TLR vs Impact
- zP! vs vigorZ
- Inc vs vae (6)
- vae vs k1ck (8 )
- TLR vs mQ (3)
- TLR vs Impact (150)
- zP! vs vigorZ (12)
- Inc vs vae (16)
- vae vs k1ck (16)
- TLR vs mQ (7)
- TLR vs Impact (325)
- zP! vs vigorZ (27)

- Inc vs vae
- vae vs k1ck
- TLR vs mQ
- TLR vs Impact
- zP! vs vigorZ


- Inc vs vae
- vae vs k1ck
- TLR vs mQ
- TLR vs Impact
- zP! vs vigorZ
- k1ck vs zP!
- dignitas vs ALIS
- Impact vs KiH
- TLR vs mQ
- zP! vs vigorZ
Impact fo sho
i hope impact
Impact have improved immensley from the last encounter, can Tlr deny them again? imo yes... 4-2 to Tlr
Impact all the way!
go mystic go!!!

we love you mystic!!!
omg nice match very close but impact imo<3 doktor dasz rade:P
gogo TLR
DOKTOR! but marv was nice tho
match of the year :D
doktor to mnie lekko zdziwko zlapało I am surprised:D gl & hf doktor
i wont bet anything cos miracles happen :P
doktor wtf
too bad I can't watch it Live :(

n1 match!


mAus, teka hf guys ***

gl both
gl impact
mAus > mystic atm :P
impact fo sho
milk is good 4 u!
yay n1 match muahahahaha
mAus > mystic
aCoZz > Raveneye
doctor < m1lk
Clown = Tiigeri
dAv1d = teKoa
Winghaven > Xpaz

so it could be a close match, guess 4:2 for TLR
haha ur name is Player haha
? O_o
Not really.
u are such a noob. DUUUUUDEEEEEEEEEE everybody knows that:

mystic > maus
raveneye > acozz.................
true but 2 years ago ^^
tru tru
I <3 westje
oXiD + westje = <3 4-ever

i was bored, i always fall in love with someone when i m bored
have you seen mystic and raveneye playing since they are at impact, dude? mystic is not as good as in olsdskool times but he is ok, but raveneye lost almost his whole rifle skill, he s got rly many teamkills... get knowledge you horny polak ;)
i dont care about it yerman...
if you dont know anything, just stfu thx =)
have you actually noticed the dmg raveneye has been getting recently? it's very high, he started off shakily but he is looking gd atm, the same as the rest of impact. people say acozz is underrated, so is m1lk. tlr will take it though.
hello 2003... 2007 here!
dude get skill plzz :d and get brain
where can I buy those (damn I'm tooo funny for this world :P)
its not 1on1
NO :((((((( ??????????
nobody can says such things oXID... time ago all said urtier ftw... urtier > all and such things and now? certainly urtier is a great player (fop) what ever ^^ but u cant compare players of a team :x never heard something of teamwork dude? :o
no, i just wanted to show that TLR has more higher skilled players, so it could be a close match, which TLR will probably win, i didnt say that it will be like i said, i just showed my point of view! du gampriger huanpoppara ;)
you are smoked ? or smth ?
wait for the match then talk ;|
dAv1d = teKoa ahahahha
indeed i lol'd aswell
Much more slots needed
Don't think that that much players will watch that match.

Eastern Sunday ...
that doesn't mean anything tbh :)
are u paring 4 jesus on sunday?
who cares abt jesus... mystic is playing!!!
yes i do :)
rofl oxid xD
impact ftw but tlr will make it
oxid xD
I think TLR, but it'll certainly be exciting :)
hard to bet :<

be dAv1d < nl teKoa
hr aCoZz < fi Raveneye
es Winghaven > fi Xpaz
lv Clown > fi Tiigeri
be mAus > fi mystic
pl doktor < nl m1lk

mAus > mystic
not agree

be dAv1d < nlteKoa
hr aCoZz < fi Raveneye
es Winghaven < fi Xpaz
lv Clown > fi Tiigeri
[flag=be] mAus < [flag=fi] mystic
[flag=cz] marv < [flag=nl] m1lk
marv >>> milk

Sorry but to people that are saying mAus > mystic, spec last tlr vs impact game, mystic clearly > mAus.

teKoa = dAv1d
Raveneye > aCoZz
Wing > Xpaz
Clown = Tiigeri
m1lk > doktor

imo 2-1 impact, but only just.
teKoa > all its that simple.
btw Winghaven ftw
teKoa luger only \ o /
tekoa worst teamplayer ever
teamplay is overrated
most stupid comment ever, thats totally not correct when referring to teKoa and in fact i cant believe you came out with that comment
teAmplAy is liek ur friend :/
its my opinion and you cant change it so...

thats not a thing you can have opinions on.
well, you have a point
Idle^teKoa > teKoa'i
n1 comment's

mystic >= maus
gl maus & Tekoa

great game :P
tlr 4 sure
doktor gl :*
dr ownz all
bugger, I will miss it :(
should be a gg
good game.. think.. tlr..will win btw..

yea TLR will take this again but anyway gl both^^
again a new player with TLR ...
well doktor wasn't in the line up the last match.
he was.
ye, he played the couple of weeks with the rysi0 nickname
ah ok my bad. sorry ;)
xpaz owns winghaven
gl Tomasz!
temaplay TLR > templay Impact
mAus < mystic
aCoZz > Raveneye
doctor < m1lk
Clown > Tiigeri
Winghaven < Xpaz
dAv1d = teKoa

3.5 vs 3.5, can go either way, details will decide.
aCoZz > Raveneye

i've seen it with my very own eyes!
mAus < mystic

ww can argue endlessly about their aim, but have you seen mystic's nade skilz? best nade in ET imo.
From the first game of the ET Masters I saw mAus > mystic, but I would like to see mystic vs. mAus battle ;]
in first match mystic overplayed mAus for sure and he was inactive a lot instead of mAus
We will see today imo, gl to both players :o
gl impact
Xpaz=rekkalesbo, np
Impact have improved since last meeting with TLR.
and TLR are playing without marv

and his name is "doktor" you noobs, not "doctor" :)
tomek przegra mecz!
Maus will make the differents, TLR will win...i hope oO
I want a TosspoT shoutcast :(
gl teKoa, dAv1d, mAus !
oh btw, doktor cant play this match. Rl stuff so marv will play.
should be gg then
its 2 easy with mr. czech in the team
hope so :P
czechs > polaks
Lol maybe in hockey match knedlicku.
A-team ftw
dAv1d < teKoa
aCoZz < Raveneye
Winghaven > Xpaz
Clown > Tiigeri
mAus > mystic
doktor = m1lk

1:1 :X
Teamplay will make the difference!
doktor = m1lk ? Oo BUHAHA Nice JOKE :X look at milk in this match... he own all
gl doktor
dAv1d Saturday, 7th April 2007 12:17 Reply
oh btw, doktor cant play this match. Rl stuff so marv will play.
gl tekoa clown and winghaven :)
it can be hard for tlr new face in team gl :]
impact will win
4-0 TLR
go impact go
Tlr ofc <3

But gl impact! ;) tek <3
the names of impact > the ones of tlr, although impact should have an overweight in aim, i think that tlr will take the win, the core is together now for almost 2 years (acozz/david/wing) and their tp and feeling is just better atm than the one of impact, i hope impact will win tho!
And show their real strength:)
skill impact>skill tlr
teamplay tlr>teamplay impact
u want to say skill is not equal teamplay?
skill = teamplay + many other things
maus > mystic 4 sure
wing tiene el pelo es corto

en resumen, TLR are more entertaining \o/
2-4 Impact, do hope they gonna play supplydepot!
such matches makes me super horny ^^

gl both !
bet on impact pls, marv will bring me my money...
So do tlr play with doctor or marv?
4-0 TLR
just stfu and w8 4 the game
marv \o/
one thing to say :D This will be a great match if Impact wins last opponent will be old good idle (dignitas) To my mind this match will show wheter Impact or TLR is ready to beat up Dignitas:D both team has skilled players althoug teamplay is the mopst important thing without teamplay skill is useless...
when is a replay, i cant watch it today :<
Will be very close, but it looks like tlr has the better team, especially with maus
Bet all my money on you Tekoa dont fuck me plz! :]
u cant beat all XD! nub :]
bet instead of beat:) if i catch the right point....
no doktor = izi bash nP
the best players vs another doesnt mean anything. teamplay+tax>sum of personal skills, if there is teamplay...
GoGo aCoZz :)
izi 4 raveneye
Xpaz <3
3k euros for impact! eezy bash
dAv1d < teKoa
aCoZz < Raveneye
Winghaven > Xpaz
Clown > Tiigeri
mAus < mystic
doktor > m1lk

4 sure

the teamplay of TLR > impact ;D
CB6 config with NO MINES allowed on battery, using mines will result in map lost for offending team

i lold
wheres TosspoT???
fu all, mystic pwns
doctor ?
Damit, can't be here tonight to watch it :<

Have fun both teams.
I will miss this too... life > ET
maus > mystic
david < tekoa
acozz > raveneye
winghaven > xpaz
marv < milk
clown = tiigeri
tlr > impact

easy as that!!!
mAus = mystic
d4v1d < teKoa
aCoZz < Raveneye
Winghaven = Xpaz
marv < m1lk
Clown > Tiigeri
TLR < Impact
rOOnk jeszcze sie nie zaczelo ;p zmien strefe czasowo na gmt +1
i want tosspot
GL aCoZz
2-0 impact
4:2 for TLR plz :(((
4-2 TRL
game of the year imo..=D
Should have been over at radar. Boo. But vgg.
rly nice game

marv for potm
very nice match thx TLR
GG nice match
DANKÖÖÖÖ .... i bet 2600 on TLR.. n1 n1 wP xD thx 4 ranK 1
I was right :D
omg best match of the month!
soz but i wonder whats raveneye doing with rifle

tiigeri's much better
aCoZz is better than both ;]
nice sarcasm meight.
very nice match
match of the week well deserved
Best match in a damn long while I'd say !
Your bet: 25€ on TLR Won 51.50€
Your bet: 2050€ on TLR Won 4223.00€

gg tlr was fun
bet fixing, ban please
major whining, ban please.
TLR looked good on supply
where can i see replay of this match?
mystic ownd
epic teams <3