Finland vs Ukraine (8379 views)

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CB NationsCup XIV - Second Matchweek
07.02.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: malczik (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 289304
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 149


Gonna be long day for sql and olbaa
Maybe they should be on the match server instead of on ettv :p
gl Principal Sample
You have € 1 on ua UA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 100

gl shevchenkos
izi 4 finland! perleke! >.<
prolly wildcard
omg picture of kamz?
fin power gonna make the show :)
Iven be fast panzer.
gl fin :)
just let fin play as allies all the time XD
Where is Forward[UA] ?
hahahave fun
Should be Izi for fin..
Gl & HF
gl Iven mate <3

@ fins wheres swani :PpP
Total Pot: € 149097
FIN - 1.05
UA - 22.87

Who put all their gbooky on Ukraine?
maybe to try to fuck up odds? :D
yeah I know thats my point :p dirty fins rigging gbooky!!
You have € 6477 on ua UA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 155059.38

should be 4:0 for UA tbh
izi bash for ukraine :{D
missing fiSalaneuvos
He just didnt make it!
malczik cwel
this is gonna be a close one
izi for UA
not boring for you finland to play vs low+ ?
i see mistake there. should be low
easy for UA
You have € 13 on ua UA Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1300
where is our enemy
on ETTV, unlike you :p
almost forgot, GL Iven!
ban ukraine from NC

good gaming
good gaming ensjaqusammmmm, nice moves man.

wow i'am so high
You have € 100000 on FIN
You won € 101000

btw why this smallchick is playing for team ukraine ??