to Make odds even vs SPEEDLINK (11091 views)

pl ska
pl hassaN
pl errol
pl Voodoo
pl Elviss
nl joshua
de Bl4d3
de duKe_
ch gifty
de sNoOp
ESL 5on5 Winter League 2010 - Division 1
UB Final

17.02.11 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Winter Leagues 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: fanatic (Requestee)
Maps: Karsiah_te2
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 75803
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 115


o kurwa jaki mecz :D
o kurwa jaki mecz :D
Lubie to!
usun komenta za kurwe bo to nieladnie wyglada.
o kurwa jaki mecz :o
o kurwa jaki mecz xD a nie, juz raz z nimi gralismy ; <
o kurwa jaki mecz :o
Rozjebal mnie tez Coment :D
gl kresti
gl tmoe
glück sl
gl spüdlink
pl bedzie wpierdol nic dodac nic ujac
zeby ten kurs na SL (2.40) juz byl do konca
GL Voodoo <3
o kurwa jaki mecz, lubie to, pl bedzie wpierdol, GL, voodoo <3 budyn ,a nie, juz raz z nimi gralismy :/
koszulka na lana


gl sl
You have € 200 on SL
Possible win: € 498
make me richer ;)
gl sl ! :D
Replacement for kreSti?
gl SL =)
hf snoopi and gifty ;D
gl TEFLON, gl FNAtic najlepsi nie wybrani kandydaci do repry.
gl tMoe :))))))))) bedzie ciezko !
Powodzenia :)
o kurwa jaki mecz ;S
go go gifty <3
gl blade & krest
gl SL
Und apßt schön auf ska auf der ist komisch =)
fanatic pewnie na meczu :P
tez mialem jechac ale musialem bilety odstapic bo chory ;)
kto za niego zagra ?
bylem ale nie na bulgarskiej ;p za pozno sie zdecydowalem na bilet i juz nie ogarnalem sobie
elviss gra
tam jakies jaja byly z tymi biletami ze nie mozna bylo zapelnic wsztstkich miejsc tylko polowe chyba czy jakos tak
no prawie 30tys bylo zamiast 40pare przez uefa
hassaN vs sNoOp
elvis lan only, sry lean only*
bedziesz mial polamana szczeke
gg !!!
bb money
You have € 16000 on pl tMoe
You won € 56800
nice team play by tMoe, wp.
ou have € 30 on tMoe
You won € 106.5
You have € 4000 on de SL
You lost

wp :)
You have € 103 on de SL
You lost

ok... =|
no kresti no win
elvis nub ;)
thx krest. now i lost all my money. fucker
polaks are strong
You have € 20 on pl tMoe
You won € 71
vittu sä otat huumaa :DDDDDD
You have € 50 on de SL
You lost

Thanks joshua
nl joshua

kresti's replacement is joshua?
Nah, they needed a merc for this game. Don't know where my kresti was:(

i smell hax ;P
idd! i smell it from poland to switzerland!
haha rofl @ tMoe, taking all the ammo and reloading till ammo racks were out of ammo :D:D:D:D nice tax guys :)
almost everybody do that nowadays :p
well i never play karsiah :P first time i saw this :P
no kresti no win :<

You have € 11 on de SL
You lost
No fanatic = win?
gg boyz, as you can see you dont need me to win :D
You have € 20 on pl tMoe
You won € 71
pierdoleni niemcy szwaby kurwa
no kresti no win :(
even with kresti they were getting raped on praccs ;)
hihi, so raped yes yes
u MAD !

so mad
4:21 on adler is normal time :P
lol you so mad man, but where is pic from 2nd map? ;p

and whats the connection between this match vs SL and iR match?
ego mu podskoczylo ze wygrali jedna mape
u suck
and 9 mins is raped?

nice bullshit
and 4:20 on adler is raped?

btw where did I use word 'raped' in my reply?
Quotepl hassan Saturday, 19th February 2011 00:48
even with kresti they were getting raped on praccs ;)

Pretty hard to understand a full context if ppl are not able to read...
and what is special about a time of 9 minutes on supply? Oo i mean, even my team does easily a 7:30- 8:30 time (ok, not vs. speedlink, but vs. ppl with the same skill)
getting rapped? I wouldnt say that...
pieknie elviss!
jest moc