symbole vs noBra!n KIK.AIM (4615 views)

nl pds
nl infernal
fr Papii
fr RIp
de Aggro
de Sunny
de Bio
06.02.11 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: LGH|sharpii (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 3052
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


GL both
You have € 20 on de nB| Cancel bet

gl yermans =)
gl Sunni :-}
spielt mit dennis und ihr habt ne chance.
gl nB
hf everyone
gl Aggro Bio Sunni
avi :pPpP
kk xfire geht iwie nicht komm gleich mal ts
GL papii :)
und hf both
izi4 papii
gl nlpds nlinfernal frRIp
hf deAggro deSunny deBio
gl nB
gl aggro sunni bio und evtl silent mates <3333 xD
2 easy for symbole but gl nB
wie du halt immer übertreibst :D
junge... hf gegen RIp ders nochmal härter als kiwi kein scheiss :D
dann is kiwi aber weich wie.. ne kiwi halt ^^
wenn kiwis noch nicht reif sind dann sind sie eig ziemlich hart :D
glück nb
3-1 nB
You have € 5 on de nB|
You Won: € 33.9
You have € 120 on de nB|
Possible win: € 813.6
You have € 40 on de nB|
Possible win: € 271.2
Gg, best game of my life!
You have € 50 on de nB|
Possible win: € 339
The bets are closed. Too late :|
You have € 20 on de nB|
You won € 135.6

WAT :D:D good job nB :PP
- aggro + s1lent :P
yeah and ? u can re-challenge us and i wil play np ..they never played 3o3 with each other before ..

with s1LENT they are better aimwise but sunni,bio&me are playing 2 years together so pls gtfo
Wasn't attending to be offensive.

But the surprise is minor ;)
same ! :D
wohohoh, nice ;p
You have € 20 on de nB|
You won € 135.6

no infernal no win