team brothers vs Leanujemy (5173 views)

ro boby
ro solo
eu diego
eu b4ne
09.02.11 20:00 CET
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth bro.bobyROM 36 kills
Killing Spree bro.soloROM 11 frags without being killed
Accountant bro.soloROM 207% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! bro.bobyROM 6 gibs
...and stay dead! bro.bobyROM 17% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning bro.bobyROM 33 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! bro.bobyROM 2 SPAM kills
Fragstealer bro.soloROM 158 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! (-.|d!ego Leanujemy 249 damage per frag
What objective? bro.bobyROM 258 XP
Red Shirt (-.|b4ne Leanujemy 39 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? (-.|b4ne Leanujemy 16 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore bro.soloROM 204 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut bro.soloROM 3 team kills
Gingerbread man bro.bobyROM 8 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy338213391006272050071200/01/012/340/1209128316
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy2713310370023351053701290/10/312/300/0351145311
Player Summary for frostbite
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy133132200031101245400/01/02/180/1//DDDDDDDDDDDDDDK/DDKDKDD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy154532000001472305100/00/33/170/0DDDDDDDDDDDKDDDDDDDKDKD

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy10030661001714112300/00/06/60/0KDKKDDKKX/DDK
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy10050550011110974910/00/06/40/0DKDKKTK/DKD
Player Summary for braundorf_b4
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy401225000142267300/00/02/40/0K/DDKDD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy014070001360806180/10/00/50/0DD/DDDD

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy3392600014837571200/00/02/60/0DDKDDKD/X
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy40242500115697641100/00/03/40/0DKDDDKT/

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Warmup]: kuzwa co za dzien zjebany xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Warmup]: i do dupy net xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Warmup]: no wszystko sie pieprzy xP
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Warmup]: tee
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Warmup]: o kurwa :D
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Warmup]: beda jaja
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Warmup]: :D
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Warmup]: w chuj
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Warmup]: :P
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Countdown]: co sie dzieje tu xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Countdown]: po chuj to na ettv? :D
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [9:17]: kurwa 8 fpsow 0.0
[9:14]: The Main Door has been breached!
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [9:13]: teraz
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [9:10]: ja peirdole
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [8:56]: ALE URWAL
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [8:49]: MOWILEM
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [8:30]: :P
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [8:26]: co sie dzieje xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [8:23]: nie wiem xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [8:20]: miales racje prze chuj bedzie xp
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [8:06]: :F
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:44]: ZAJEBISCIE Xp
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:38]: ta :D
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:32]: kupa smiechu xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:14]: idziemy?
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:13]: :P
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:06]: ego quit? xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [6:49]: ego w dupe dostaje xp
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [6:43]: ta xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [6:42]: zjebany syf na kompie xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [6:30]: kurwa xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [6:27]: xDDD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [6:22]: ale z nas leja kurwa xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [6:07]: xD
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [5:54]: koniec zabawy
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [5:42]: xD
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [5:40]: ja pierdole
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [5:28]: w dupe xPP
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [5:25]: wygrna
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [5:04]: xD
bro.bobyROM [4:32]: FULL
bro.bobyROM [4:31]: :)))
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [4:28]: jakie jaja xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [4:24]: :D
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [3:55]: reconnect
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [3:52]: xPPP
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [3:22]: -.-
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [3:05]: team romania :((((((((
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [2:59]: chyba
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [2:58]: xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [2:57]: xD
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [1:15]: xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [0:42]: xD
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [0:40]: :(
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [0:29]: mam ochote sie napic xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [0:03]: gg :D
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 10:00
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Intermission]: omg XDDDDDDDDd
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Intermission]: omg xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Intermission]: funny
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Intermission]: xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Countdown]: po chuj to na ettv?
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Countdown]: :D
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [9:16]: damy rade!
[9:13]: The Main Door has been breached!
[7:58]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:42]: :F:FF:
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:39]: :F
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:37]: :PPPPPPPPppppppppppppPPPPPPPPPPPPPppppppppppppppppppp
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:22]: urwal
[6:40]: The Service Door has been breached!
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [5:56]: XdD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [5:54]: O TO CHODZILO Xp
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [5:39]: zjebalem
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [5:37]: XDDDd
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [5:35]: xDD
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [5:06]: o kurwa
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [5:04]: znowu zjebalem
[4:49]: The Allies have transmitted the Supply Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 5:10 (original: 10:00)
bro.bobyROM [Intermission]: gg
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Intermission]: kurwa bad kurwa info
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Intermission]: xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Intermission]: kurwa sam jestes bad info :P
bro.soloROM [Warmup]: NSNVSEFVVVVVVV
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Countdown]: NDSIUYHIFR ?
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Countdown]: :d
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [9:18]: xD
[9:10]: Allies capture the factory district!
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [9:06]: kurwa
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [9:05]: NO KURWA
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [9:02]: co ty gadsz xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [9:01]: :D
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [8:47]: xD
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [8:42]: xD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [8:40]: hahaha
[8:09]: Allies have destroyed the Main Gate!
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:52]: xDDDDDDDD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:52]: HAHHAHAHAHA
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:48]: smiech na sali xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:44]: ta LD
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:41]: bad info xP
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:40]: haha
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:21]: BAD INFO!!!
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:15]: i chuj przegralismy
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:14]: kurde mowielm nie idz tam xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:09]: mowiles idz tam
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [7:06]: D:
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [7:05]: co ty gadasz jeszcze jedna mapa xp
[7:04]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:04]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:04]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:04]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:04]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[7:04]: Allies have destroyed the Bunker Controls!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 2:56
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Intermission]: kurwa lagi mam na tsie xp
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Intermission]: ta kurwa jasne :D
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Warmup]: xPP
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Warmup]: z kim ja gram -.- xpPP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [Countdown]: badz grzeczny
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [2:31]: i co?
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [2:29]: i nic
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [2:28]: banana dostaniesz i sie skonczuy xP
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [2:24]: jak nic nie gadasz? xP
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [2:20]: tty nie gadasz
[2:05]: Allies capture the factory district!
[1:54]: Axis recapture the factory district!
[1:44]: Allies capture the factory district!
[1:37]: Axis recapture the factory district!
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [1:32]: BU
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [1:29]: zjebales
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [1:28]: zjebales xP
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [1:04]: i co myslisz ze jestes fajny > -.-
[0:43]: Allies capture the factory district!
bro.bobyROM [0:38]: :d
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [0:33]: PLANOWANE!
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [0:29]: taa
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [0:26]: planowane xP
bro.soloROM [0:20]: gg
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [0:20]: zamach na moje nedzne zycie xP
bro.bobyROM [0:16]: shut the fuck up
(-.|b4ne Leanujemy [0:11]: SSAJ !
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (2:56)
(-.|d!ego Leanujemy [Intermission]: SAM SSIJ Xp
[Intermission]: bro.bobyROM disconnected
[Intermission]: bro.soloROM disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.