credibilis. vs inteRaction (4928 views)

de s1LENT
de wHiSk3y
cz denton
cz Green_Clon
07.02.11 22:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Winter Leagues 2010 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: s1LENT (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 15301
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 35


gl iR
You have € 200 on cz iR Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1810
gl krest
no gr0ss :s

hf playing against green clon the fag with netlimiter/ others shit to lags

u should be banned to be a lama like that
its true though :D
I know I do warp, tried to fix it, even made journal on cf to ppl help me, but nothing helped. I am not happy about that either, and I am getting tired of explaining it.
shame on you mongol
wck , team fra 3on3 and now credibilis.
Stop your shit now.
Good luck s1LENT* & GreenClon <3
gl dem s1LENT & dem wHiSk3y
der tim
izy bash 4 iR hf
wHiSk3y back :o?
You have € 3000 on cz iR
You won € 8580

fuck yea.jpg
Schiebung! :D
piss xsicht
You have € 15 on cz iR
You won € 42.9
You have € 20 on cz iR
You won € 57.2
DateTeam A Odds Team B Bet Result
07.02 22:15credibilis. 1.54 vs. 2.86 inteRaction 23 € on cre. Lost
07.02 21:30turbot 1.19 vs. 6.18 Runo<3 11 € on turbot Lost
07.02 19:45turbot 4.56 vs. 1.28 DIT IS NIET MIJN CLAN VRIEND 25 € on turbot Lost
07.02 19:30to Make odds even 1.15 vs. 7.70 49 € on tMoe Lost

You have € 773 on cre.
You lost
ty :)

You have € 50 on cz iR
You won € 143
kaum wieder am et spielen, gleich erstma verkacken, wa Tim?

You have € 1000 on de cre.
You lost

danke s1LENT .... ;(
lul, brauchte man nur eins plus eins zusammenzählen :)