Russia vs Israel (8022 views)

ru h8m3
ru sal
ru Alex
ru dunZy
ru JOkE
il destiny
il RenegAde
il superjew
il sidewinder

CB NationsCup XIV - Third Matchweek
10.02.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET NationsCup XIV » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: LION (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 26503
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 82


go Israel !!

but dont kill me pls ;((
#jc aravi homos <3

Behatzlaha le kulam!

Udachi vsem, osobenno Shutke :P
Well.... polak or jew? how about none.

GL Israel
epic game
gl h8m3

& other mates
блять, давайте, вперед
Фибер тоже за вас (мой дружбан)
2 ** because of a league admin in lu? pls..
because of viewers in previous matches
You have € 307 on ru RUS Cancel bet
Possible win: € 478.92

zhelaju uda4a!
so we meet again.. :)
gl dunz and joke
thank you gr hero :*
expected answer, getting pretty boring :)
Alex /!\ ?
ooooooooooo saken gl
zatknis chmo
bla nu tq v nature durnoj pizdq rebönak tq ebasoos tebe kto nebut coment daval ,tak sto budulaj sedi v svoej eblanskoj estonie i sosi xyu'.
gl h8m3 =)
gl alex and h8m3 :D
harbe skill yesh kan
eh zohrim eh lesahek ? .. mouse1 ze fire!
all money on eSr
menja ne budet!!!h8m3
All you need is a stong heart and a nerve of steel
Viva Las Israel
Viva Las Israel
gl h8m3!
gl slaw, k2, alex and dunzy
score? =D
russia :DDDDDDDDddd
where can i vote gtv servers for best servers in the world
i carried. :)
hahahahah :D expected
i s kakogo huja buki na russia koef tak zanizili? xDXD....i win))

dunzy egoquit:D
huli tam delat', warpit so storonq v storonu, rage nahuj :D zajdi v msn pobazarit nado
vess, ne v obidu, no nahuj igrat NC togda? esli u vas lineup dazhe ne stabilnyj?
na penek sel kasar dolzhen
forgot to bet awww
pizdet' - ne meshki vorochat'
You have € 99 on il ISR
You won € 245.52

Thx ;)
fucking russia, why u had to lose ={
You have € 100 on il ISR
You won € 248
You have € 307 on ru RUS
You lost
