Keskus Rikos Poliisi vs theORYGINALS (5603 views)

3rd Matchweek / 1st league - #easy.cup

10.02.11 21:00 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | Easy Company Cup VI 5v5 | |
Hosting: | Easy Company Cup | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Karsiah_te2 | |
Sp_delivery_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 64
Viewer Peak: 64

Gl Abj
Gl Abj
2 ez for krp
busy with fanatic's mansion, much windows here cos they're so rich :S
problem officer?
btw I have noticed that one window upstairs is dirty, you must have forgotten to clean it. fix it fast
btw I have noticed that one window upstairs is dirty, you must have forgotten to clean it. fix it fast
the one you've covered with newspaper from 1997? Im sorry, I must've missed it...
Gl w1lkoo :D
clean yo windowz
postawilbym na was kase ale mi jej szkoda :XD
hf krp
hf krp
mag musisz podkrecic bo ciezki mecz macie :D
GL mag :-)
dunno how to bet, krp-team.finland or krp-lows gonna play?
ej kurwa co to jest? Fintardy chca mi zepsuc dzisiaj impreze po egzaminie? gtfo, chyba was pojebalo. Ja ide sie napierdolic w trzy dupy
magus dasz rade o 16 slyszalem ze ci sie imrepza zaczyna w gimbazie ;DDDDD o 20 mysle ze juz wrocisz :D!
Przyjade do ciebie do gimbasy opierdolisz petarde, chwile ci to pewnie zajmie zanim obleje cie moim radioaktywnym moczem, wiec na 20 mysle ze sie wyrobie wrocic do akademika i jeszcze cos wypic. xD
taki mecz to wypada zagrac na trzezwo bo l4z bedzie zly :)
l4z jest dziki, l4z jest zly, l4z ma bardzo ostre klyyyyy hihihihihihihihihi

krp: sample,squall,olbaa,ensam,vanhaomena
Gl Magu słoneczko ciśnij ; **
You have 40 on pl b2k Cancel bet
Possible win: 304.4
You have 40 on pl b2k Cancel bet
Possible win: 304.4
gl w1lko snacki
You have 20000 on pl b2k Cancel bet
Possible win: 28400
magu ja tego nie wycofam wiec masz napierdalac bo jak nie to wpadne do ciebie
Possible win: 28400
magu ja tego nie wycofam wiec masz napierdalac bo jak nie to wpadne do ciebie
to nie jest najlepszy pomysl :) bo ja troche bede nie teges :D juz pijemy :(
chuj tam masz grac i tyle
Lichota <3
demejcz cipo czego ty chcesz ?
niczego :* :XD
Ty jestes kurwa pojebany :D
wilko busted nerd, no gl
go l4z gooo !!!!!!!!
gl w1lko, l4z :)
who fucked up odds

GL Orginalsi :*
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vanhaaaa =D
gl Snacki, w1lko =) pizdeczki xd
nice match, better team won
nice match, better team won
need olba. cry more :(
i ain't crying :)
against you? :D
KRP 0 - theO 4
You have 20 on pl b2k
Possible win: 52.8
You have 20 on pl b2k
Possible win: 52.8
great job guys :-)
great job guys :-)
kurwa mac
team finland lost??
kac mi sie chce =D
team FIN losing? :DDDDDDD
so much prac with same line-up 3 games a night 5 days a week all the time and still losing? :DXDXD
finish clean toilet xDDDD
so much prac with same line-up 3 games a night 5 days a week all the time and still losing? :DXDXD
finish clean toilet xDDDD
so tr00 !!!
hahahahahah poor krp >:(
even 'xD won against teamO :D
Maps: Karsiah_te2
Special Delivery TE
Special Delivery TE
team FIN losing? :DDDDDDD
so much prac with same line-up 3 games a night 5 days a week all the time and still losing? :DXDXD
finish clean toilet xDDDD
so much prac with same line-up 3 games a night 5 days a week all the time and still losing? :DXDXD
finish clean toilet xDDDD
krp biggest nerds/loosers evah1
team FIN losing? :DDDDDDD
so much prac with same line-up 3 games a night 5 days a week all the time and still losing? :DXDXD
finish clean toilet xDDDD
so much prac with same line-up 3 games a night 5 days a week all the time and still losing? :DXDXD
finish clean toilet xDDDD