boozers vs Epic #epic-eSports (6524 views)

pl sonseeh
pl tIKEJ
pl PMA
pl Gold
pl btw
fr BEk
gb rAffou
nl L4mpje
gb koop
pl kirej
17.02.11 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup VI 5v5 » Matchlink
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: ko2a (Requestee)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 14658
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


GL frWebspell
You have € 370 on boozers
Possible win: € 2397.6

MEJK MI RICZ ! :DDDDDD Miski moje <3
You have € 84 on pl boozers Cancel bet
Possible win: € 477.12

Wiecej nie mam
bEk :D
o kurwa jaki mecz.
o kurwa jaki nejm :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
gl ochlapusy
You have € 31 on boozers
Possible win: € 128.65

boozersi do boju jak trafi mi do rąk więcej kasy to też na was leci ;]
nl L4mpje instead of gb egowhore
gl beciu
gl Raf and Kirej
zjechac ich xD
powodzenia btw i kirej ;)
gl L4mpje :)
gl sonsee
gl sosneh gl btw gl tikey gl gold gl pma gl gl
boozers will get bashed badly!
in your dreams xD
gl boozersy! ;D
hf sonseeh ;x
You have € 55 on pl boozers Cancel bet
Possible win: € 73.7

wiecej przez was nie mam ;)
- ru JOkE + pl kirej finally :D
gl lampje
ffs, fucking close game. gg nice oppo :D
You have € 694 on pl boozers
Possible win: € 1353.3

kurwa jebane 3 sekundy :x
co za lampy
You have € 570 on web5
You won € 1168.5

You have € 20 on eu web5
You won € 41

slac hard
You have € 20 on eu web5
You won € 41