dNbase vs big beats (4232 views)

ca boortio
ca monkeyy
de kevji
de predi
gb drewyn
il destiny
se ekto
de cherry
nl mott4
pl stokkie
de Ss-A-P
gb thezakjee
se baq
be Goku
fr An7ho
19.02.11 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Ss-A-P (Requestee)
Maps: Baserace
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3358
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


gl goku , mott4 , fumble
gl ekto!
hahahahah baq tylko nie bij za bardzo ;)
hf mott4, arne

hate you cherry (ass :3)

izi for dnbase.

stokkie *.*
gl kevji, fumblem8, mott4<3, stokkie:*, madbaq & an7ho poulet <3
You have € 510 on eu dNb * Cancel bet
Possible win: € 918
gl boorito
You have € 14 on eu bb Cancel bet
Possible win: € 52.64

gogo Ekto fail!

hf myself, kev, cherry, ssap!
gl button bashers
baq n00b =)
gl predi mott4 & kevji
Easy for dnb!
gl both :)
gl fumble monkey mott4 goku & an7ho
ur not bigbeats?
You have € 250 on bb
Possible win: € 1942.5

nice one being shit n stuff goku :(
you seriously thought they could win? xD
Patusia <3 :*
You have € 14 on eu bb
You lost


15hs i won!
this was all-in, couldnt u just fail a bit? :DDDDD

motta, u need to train ur mortarskills!
haha :D
even when i told u to shoot longer distance u could make it :DDDDD
i couldnt put it lower, or i had to move my mortar to tower but was to late for it
well u could have just gone some meters further but still, nice idea :D

i was so bored, but this idea didnt came to my mind :D
oh nice fumble, you make me so proud :)
You have € 510 on eu dNb *
You won € 586.5
ty fumble
fumble moving up in the world ..
if ET is ur world, then yes!

o please!