#60acc.HK vs to Make odds even (7776 views)

gb Element
fi epo
fi dTEC7
pl fanatic
pl ska
pl Voodoo
1/4 Final - #easy.cup

24.02.11 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup V 3v3
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: manlux (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 49107
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 51


tMoe: fanatic, ska, Elviss
Gonna be played Thursday 19:00 CET
gl bosshk et dtec7
I dTEC7 mad
gl #60acc.HK !!
You have € 30 on tMoe
Possible win: € 39

izi for chris and fintards

You have € 900 on pl tMoe Cancel bet
Possible win: € 1026
hf BossHK nice aimer <3
You have € 3155 on HK
Possible win: € 8297.65

enjoy your own spawn area tMoe
gl pan lean
gl bosshk
Lets put it this way:
jaymodders vs #1 Team Poland 3on3 NC team.

No seriously, looking forward to it ;)
gl jaymodders :P
jaymod is improving aim i heard? ;P
wat? :D
What did you mean by "improving your aim?" :(?
should have been irony

-> Jaymod makes your aim better, NOT. better? :PpPpP

<33 :D
indeed xD want to play with you soon :( <3
avi whole next week mate :P
erhm.. it does improve ur aim way better than playing on some etpro pubs/idling on irc for 90000mins to get a war only to see the opponent ego quit after 5mins cos BossHK too awesome. Joke is on u, buddy.
possible, but even then is playing etpro more useful because most of the jaymod top raters are amazingly braindamaged.
Don't mean you, you were always one of the only raters who were "really" good. Other part has just aim for jaymodhitboxes and can't even aim when they're getting hitted :)
My opinion as "rater" ^^
Rating isn't same thing as jaymodding x.x Rating sux, jaymodding doesn't. Playing jaymod on average sized nopb servers, profit. Doublejump enabled, its nice moving like whirlwind. Jaymod is "light", flexible, not so akward like NQ or etpub.
rating doesn't really sucks as long as you're only playing to be the highest fragger :(

DRI is ok server, though I'm banned&unbanned 6 times and now I have propably lifetime ban, so playing there isn't an option. FA is great community, ET needs more them, but playing for example Oasis_sw_te 25on25 with every weapon allowed is just as shit as shit can be. Wanna see basic grush picture?: http://img337.imageshack.us/f/alliesattacklol.png
Theres even mortar set up on brigde, basic attack, they are just camping there ;p 8 allies there btw.

Getting gold from bank at FA1 as a superhero: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0F8L6VLI
Too much skill for one man
:DD i know, that's why i'm not really playing anymore in huge servers like FA, only from time to time when others are empty. And it's full of laggs, make the game unplayable. Not banned yet on DRi, only kicked 1 time!
bleAzeE you underestimate jaymodders

you get braindamaged by beer, not by playing jaymod...
gl boss, dtec :)
gl :)
gl bosshk
gl HK :)
not sure but eA same as this team?
well no, but im in erase and Element and BossHK are backups for erase so sort of i guess :x
comon tmoe
gl bosshk
You have € 15 on fi HK Cancel bet
Possible win: € 236.85

You have € 20 on fi HK Cancel bet
Possible win: € 328.2

GO>GO>GO Hk <3
You have € 25 on HK
Possible win: € 391.25

GL <3
gl intensiveGay.element :D
gl BossHK
Whats ??? ettv plz
easy 600accHK
there's been a problem with server, ETTV is up now.
no nips no boss no win!
Too bad I couldn't play untill now and its almoust over :('
voodoo >>>>> elviss


voodoo - 57 kill
fanatic - 28 kill
voodoo >>>>> elviss
voodoo >>>>> elviss
voodoo >>>>> elviss
voodoo 65hs 8k dmg, gg :)
gg voodoo :)
eez money
manlux, u changed Elviss--> Voodoo, maybe change me-->epo too since i didn't played olol.
I changed it tbh, noone told me about that change :x
next pls