glitz vs Pucka Gaming (5456 views)

ee Ajit
ee x3NJa
ee garin
ee LudA
ee Edgar
pl tevion
pl hunter
pl capone
pl turki
pl miachalek
21.02.11 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Ajit (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3896
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 24


gl Ajit, x3NJa
gl kleje :D
bez pucy panowie
zamknij juz ta morde ;D
a co on z otwartym pyskiem pisze ?
a Ty to kim jestes zeby takie pytania mi zadawac? zamknij morde tez.
no wiesz jam prosty czlowiek -- a ty kim bys mi mogl zabraniac zadawac pytania ? nie chcesz nie odpowiadaj -- a ja pisze z zamknietym pyskiem wiec nie ma co sie denerwowac
bez pucy kento bez pucky i zamknij morde! KELNERIAA
gl glitz
gl garin
GL pucka
x3NJa, baq said roll canon and you are fuckaman. Sorry.
you could of played against us yknow
GL Ajit
gl glitz :D <3
gl glitz
gl glitz
o m g o m g :DX gl & hf grzeski
gg wp :)
hah You have € 250 on ee glitz
You won € 647.5
You have € 33 on glitz
You won € 85.47
you've gotta believe in my rifle skillz ;)