Keskus Rikos Poliisi vs versatile.ET (8505 views)

fi Snake Doc
fi HaPPoLaPSi
fi Vanhaomena
fi Altsi
gb reAlize
gb DeMeNtEd
fr karnaj
be Kevin
pl Cursed
24.02.11 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup VI 5v5
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Blindi- (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 24651
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 46


gl versatile
Gl Kevin !!
wtf i said,

gb revee
be Kevin
gb reAlize-
pl Cursed
gb DeMeNtEd
fr StrAf

Get it right!
gl pl cursed
omg kevin omg
eaz for KRP
lt thx
easy for krp :)
izi4revee & demented :D
gl kevin & realize
who are you people?
just a bunch of randoms
Ye havent played in EC final or nothing
hey twiQz,my name is David.

I been playing et for about 5years now i think..Started playing in a jaymod pub called NMA..after playing there for like 5days i got picked up by the team.But later i got kicked because i was abusing my admin powers,kept setting a guy named mystic on fire..he whined to the leaders and i got removed from the team.I got really mad back then and i renamed myself from SpaRX to revenge..i said ill get my revenge on those nerds for kicking me,i said ill get an etpro team and pwn them hard..and so i did, i joined a team called sAs(special assault squad) lead by a scottish guy called electro as far as i can remember.This was my first ETpro team.From then on i was just playing ETpro pwning nerds hard,never got my revenge back on nma tho :(

I started playing et seriously with a team called 711 i think,this was the first team we had actualy prac times etc..we played for like 2weeks but the team lacked motivation and we stopped playing together..sometime later i joined a team called fagalag.Leader was williams,really great guy learned a lot from him,always had fun on vent with him.The Lineup was me jimrinho williams pauz rockstar cris..we played oc 5th division but sadly we lost to WCK i think and i went inactive for a bit...
Then i came back to the scene i joined another team that was lead by williams called royality was probably the team where i learned the most.We had great players in the team like miruku hybratek veruna etc..we played in oc premier was a really great team,but after a while i got kicked because i got into an argument with the team leader williams so he booted me out
After that i was looking for a clan but didnt get one...then ET changed into a 5v5 format and williams went inactive
demeNtal took me back to royality , but i didn't really have time to play with them as i had a gf or something back then so i left...
Then after some time i came back and joined was probably the best team that i played for so far,really great guys :) but then i had real life problems,went inactive and when i came back i found myself replaced with nonix....and here i am playing for right now

Hope you know me better after reading this :)
cool story bro.
I always been leading roYality, Willams just was the Co Captain/Ingame Leader, dont forget xD
you are still low :D:D:D
oh my bad :D
No you haven't.
like you know :O
I did doesn't roYality sounds german?
Willams did everything (ingame leading and stuff) but I was still the leader and I was getting the offis etc
oh yeah royality sounds german, you must be the leader
yea i was leader of the et squad i know but i guess u/they didnt understand :D
he means u were just a captain of a random squad, nothing to do with the real roYality admins.
hes not capable of understanding the difference between being squad leader and clan leader. just leve it :)=
think ur confusing urself with mens0? xD
Nah, I mean the team where Williams and me played. There were plently of ET squads :D
wasnt sAs mate it was =DoE= , Hi revee :D GL tonite m8 , i think u will need it.
hahahahaha revee, u make me smile <33 :P
hf playing against olbaa squall sample lepari mystic
gl blindi :)
gl both <3
gl demented, realize and revee !!
gl revee
gl realize, demented, revee :)
You have € 64 on verS/.
Possible win: € 195.84

gogogo Straf !!!!
GL versatile
gl reAlize
gl cursed
gl realize, demented, and revee <3
GL reVee <-- LoL bIG V
GL dave m8
gl revee you monster!
2EZ for Demented realoize and Kevin

ez for dementuurrddd
vanhaaa gl =D
gg wp
Was easy like expected =)
wake up kid and stop acting like some kind of funny guy =) vitun patonki.
like KRP used to do you mean ?
[23:40:04] <miNd> You have . 80 on gb verS/.
[23:40:05] <miNd> Possible win: . 615.2
[23:40:39] <@bliNdieRi`> You have € 20 on gb verS/.
[23:40:39] <@bliNdieRi`> Possible win: € 153.8
[23:40:49] <@HESELAITTAA> meitsi repi 600 e
[23:40:15] <@ENSQJM> You have . 40 on gb verS/.
[23:40:16] <@ENSQJM> Possible win: . 307.6
[23:58:23] <@Altsi> You have € 80 on verS/.
[23:58:23] <@Altsi> Possible win: € 615.2

we decided to throw the game forehand :P wp though m8! ;)

You have € 80 on verS/.
Possible win: € 615.2

easy to bet when you know there will be prac 24/7 karnaj playing with french connections :D easy money cup.
You have € 80 on gb verS/.
Possible win: € 615.2

easy money :PPP
team-finland lost oh noez
Thats not even near team-finland , dumbass polak.
I think some finns are mad :/
games like this are good for our economics. Every once and while you gotta throw a game to grow the budget of your eSport gaming organization.
if you've paid any attention to our group we'll finish top 3 anyway so this game was meaningless to us so I think its quite obvious that we lost it on purpose :D

No madness here, bro! ;)
you must admit, I do well what I do =)
yuup without any doubts
3rd place doesn't advance to playoffs
You have € 80 on verS/.
Possible win: € 615.2
i love this shit You have € 151 on verS/.
Possible win: € 1161.19
I think some finns are mad :/
fuck off krp nerds
ok...sin comentarios.. =|
Obviously KRP gets rolled, ink is playing right there.

Shit KRP noobs, especially Altsi =)
realize low
well if the game was fixed as the fin guys clearly said above with their bets and all posted, then bets should be cancelled
(i didnt even bet nor do i care) but i think its unfair for those who bet and actually care about the emoneyz on this site, that the fins lost on purpose (they accepted that):.
lol that's wat they say when they loose

if they would have won it all bilndi would say is ez bash

now hes bullshitting about loosing on purpose
But they had bet BEFORE the game starts..
Are you fucking stupid? You can't bet after the game starts >_<
retards always bet against themself in case they lose
owned :D
You have € 30 on verS/.
You won € 230.7
omg Fintards :-e
wp karnaj :_D
nice lu m8s
You have € 139 on verS/.
You won € 1068.91
izi money;]
west/east europe stylin on them hoes
bad day?? (pokerface)
You have € 20 on gb verS/.
You won € 153.8
izi money :D