to Make odds even vs (9548 views)

pl fanatic
pl Czarek
pl hassaN
pl errol
pl Voodoo
dk fryzer
gb Kamz
gb griim
hr suVi
nl Ati_
5th Matchweek / 1st league - #easy.cup
03.03.11 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Easy Company Cup VI 5v5
Hosting: Easy Company Cup
Manager: Robert (Generaladmin)
Maps: Adlernest
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 116284
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 156


You have € 100.00

Possible Win: € 2160.00
You have € 27 on tMoe
Possible win: € 45.36

You have € 21 on PP *
Possible win: € 293.37
tMoe caly czas na gamestv :P
zeby fanboje mialy co ogladac
jak tylko jest ciekawy rywal, to jak najbardziej mozna te mecze umieszczac na Gtv
fuck nerds! please more polish guys bet for tMoe dont ruin odds
tMoe= low aim but nice teamplay
Ska i Voodoo to dobrzy aimerzy. Zreszta aim to nie wszystko, trzeba myslec podczas gry. No i co do teamplayu, to masz racje.
med/+ aim + high teamplay. W ataku sa maszynką praktycznie nie do zatrzymania ale maja spore problemy z ustawieniem skutecznego crossa ;) Zdecydowanie brakuje im jednego bardzo dobrego aimera.
o kurwa,skad wy sie wszyscy bierzecie?
no med/+ to chyba gale strzelasz, wiadomo ze wszyscy tam dobrze napierdalaja moze brakuje jedynie im tam wieska 2 (s...x)

a takich graczy jak Wiesiek jest w Europie tylko kilku
hahahaha, o kurwa :-D
I specced voodoo last game, his aim was pretty on
team NL vs tMoe
a match worth watching yuurrrpppp
You have € 20 on PP *
Possible win: € 92

go ati
GL Domi <33 <33
this game needs some deeujen
if someone from unpatched would be so nice to give me lineup that would be AWESOME
gl hassan , ska !
this game needs some TossM8
this game needs some gb TossM8
czarek= voiler? ;D
GL unpatched.
Kamz from et allstars ;d
gl unpatched
izi tmoe
i bet on... PP*
You have € 20000 on eu PP * Cancel bet
Possible win: € 66200

make me rich Kamz! <3
I don't bet at all
gl kamz suvi fryzer
gl zZz
wp hassan : D D D D D D
nice match by fanatic! but pls do never ever again play fops xD
You have € 88 on tMoe
You won € 125.84 thx
You have € 20000 on eu PP *
You lost

fu Kamz : (
Voodoo<3's Gambling Stats ( Rank 3 / 2,542 )
Voodoo<3's Gambling Stats ( Rank 3 / 2,542 )
You have € 1956 on PP *
You lost

in suvi we trust!
u shouldn't when i only play 1/2 games a week !
its boat + plane :P
You have € 4000 on pl tMoe
You won € 5720
You have € 2844 on pl tMoe
You won € 4066.92

thx tMoe, to bad i didn't had more money to bet