otworte eSports vs iabg (5584 views)

pl sonNy
pl brejff
pl grzyB
pl kramz
pl luncher
cz JamiZz
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25.02.11 19:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: sonNy8D (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 12843
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


GL o'eSports! :D
gl soniacz :)
thx, nerds @ friday :D
stop raging, i wont change my nick because of you, lol.
i dont say change "ur" name, reality, i dont care a low fake my name to feel that he is someone important
nice engrish mtfk!
"i dont care a low fake my name"
U aren't more skilled than him, so stfu faggot.
im talking whit fake sonny, no whit pussy random poltard, now go to bed and talk whit your pillow about my skill 8)
is you talking whit fake sonny??? wow you is wery famose know.. yo enligsh are no soo wery goud senior
I haven't said that i'm famoust, just that i'm important, because im playing in VIP, very IMPORTANT people XDDDDDDDD

PD: Who are you?? XDDDDDDDDDD
Who are you????
that is what i asked you
I'm just a random etplayer, you?
i am cristiano ronaldo, nice to meet you
oh shit, nice to meet you too
worst troll ever
o rly? and hes who btw? never heard about [flag=PL] sonNy.
never heard of [flag=ES] sonny either
Maybe they both arent known , because they dont spent whole days for playing in free inet game for being known in nerds world, like most of you reatrded loosers ?
why are you talking to me like I played more than 3 wars in the last 4 months? :D
[sonnyengrish]cant know me if you play 2 wars per month, obviously not? now you can become my fan XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD[/sonnyengrish]
what are you trying to prove with those links?? that you are a random playing for the worst team in ET? :D
to get views for say i am know and fucking pro like u :DDDD mongol
ou damn, random polak calls us nerds. great success who said we must spent all our free time with ET atm? wake up.
gl czech guyz ;)
hehe, GL, sonny, gdzip ;p By GanD

Btw, 'bout namefaking, it must be sad that all players with name sonny are namefakers since time of internet spreading all over the world ^^

GL Lanczji SonNy ;)
To musime dat Klucí.
GL :)
držim vam gule... či vlastne palce ;-) GL
kamz playing!!

OH WAIT!!11!!
kramziu&lunczi gl hf!
kamz playing!!

OH WAIT!!11!!
You have € 30 on pl o`eSport Cancel bet
Possible win: € 278.1

pany nie dać dupy ;] gl hf
You have € 57 on iabg
Possible win: € 73.53

Jak wygram dobrze dla kieszeni.
Jak przegram dobrze dla serca.
Witaj po przerwie ! :D
GL iabg
You have € 100 on o`eSport
Possible win: € 569
gl kluciii :-) povodte to cigani :_! moji! Tata vam to rozkazuje!:-D
inc CAMELTOE "fucking nerd playing on friday get a life omg :DDDDD"
You have € -385.38
You have € -10.00

=(( damn ex3 and sticked
You have € 5935 on pl o`eSport
You won € 6884.6
kamz playing!!

OH WAIT!! ;/
gl iabg :P
otworte lu:
pl sonny
pl lanczji
pl brejff
gl cz
Yessir. im yo fanboy.
Good luck, [flag=uk]Kamz.
i'm reading kramz. sry
gl kamz