Gunslingers vs carnivorous (5087 views)

cz Slaxinek
cz adrenaline
cz RauzZik
cz ardente
cz Sklamak
pl Ziem
pl pierzak
pl frozen
pl kissje
pl Kamil
26.02.11 19:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Slaxinek (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 7674
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 29


nie ma to jak własnemu teamowi zyczyc gl.
frozen gl :D
gl Czech guys :)
gl, nice logo steal z cf :D
gl Kamil
easy 4 gunslingers
gl holky :P
gunslingers missing some
totally agree @ hassan

get yourself another name guys ! The real, the oldschool gunslingers are just legendary.
GL gs !

You have € 200 on carv
Possible win: € 348
gl pierzakos
ouwnA, preboha s kym to hras? :D GL ouwna :)
nikoho ty tvý madarsky kecy nezajímaj :*
airene , tak ouwnA musi nekde zabijet hrace ne ? :DDDDDDDD
med/+ hra s low/+ ?
Skill drop :)
ouwna pedal = win

wheres cz darius?
gl my lover ouwnAAAAch <3
HF : )
gl hf
gl Ziem
Gl carv
gl hf dudes
pl Ziem
pl pierzak
pl frozen
pl kissje
pl Kamil

ze kto ?!?!?!?!??!?
pl WONSACZ ze kto ?!
i jeszcze kurwa ulom reply nie potrafi dac
hejt hejt hejt >D schowaj sie high skilu :-)
ty mi tu o hejcie pierdolisz jak ja poprostu smieje sie z twojego low plusa :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
srsly who gives a fuck about their clan name, this is 2011, that was years ago, and they're long gone.. get over it, im gonna name my clan fucking DSky just coz im so awesome and i like the name
so creative isnt it?
just an enemy territory clan name man, not the end of the world
still its so creative, its like your bro has dog called killer and you will call your killer aswell, its just name of the dog not the end of the word
gl : )
gl carv!
GL kutasie Kamilu:D
problem, grandfather :D?
You have € 152 on pl carv Cancel bet
Possible win: € 226.48
GL kissje ;)
gl kamil :P
Kissje HERO : )
gg guys thx for war :)
wp ;D
thx for nice game, have a nice day :D
je, lamilem jak nie wiem co. :-)
sry guys my internet crash x)
np ;DD
z czego tak cieszysz, wiecej spamu po meczu od #carnivorous
Zamknij mordę, bo Ci ślina leci.