Defix vs Team-Visual (9312 views)

17.04.07 19:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3v3 OpenCup Spring 2007
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: boozze (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ice

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #fayntic ETTV 1
By: h3ll (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 67


wtf is Vato ? lineups ?
vato is noob
defix wint dit easyy !
defix is goed maar overrated, hebben er nog van gewonnen laatste onedaycup
yeh, u won a mixed... be proud!
yeah spirea sanda funky, quite mixed
we played with funky last time a year ago and he hasn't played much after that, so yeah it's mixed.

and funky played like a naab, so what do u expect... anyway u played with a known haxer yourself, so don't be proud
Gl to Vato but this will be way to skilled for them.
"a bit" haha:D this 3 classes hoger ;p vato = low/+ defix = med+/high
wtf are you talking about?:D
beautifull edit =)
GO visual!!!!
Ga nog wat achter ne boom staan die er niet is!
defix 4 sure
defix fo sho ! :[ maar als tic speelt GL !
wat is team-visual?

lineup pls
dfx 4 sure
err.., if this is the old team visual its a netcoders team so gl to defix then
gL visual!!!
gl visual
Who is playing for visual?
The busted cheaters like Circus etc?
yep :<
pls what a fucking retarded C&A guys :=D
They are Never busted ...
LoL : Circus aka trix --> first of all aimbot then etb0t plx
are you going for the most ridiculous person of the year 2007?
Link us some proofs and it will go the way...
circus is kewl!
Trix was busted in the Fusen thingy!
noper not
there are no proofs but visual is a nC team inclubind MbugeT so i with gfx gl
why don't u all suck some cock?
hitt's clan? ;PPP

thought u were considered busted x]
o rly? Lakai... :)
Hi nairda :D

2500 on defix!
Defix most overrated clan ever.
Visual easy.
And you speak the best crap ever.
Let's see.
We played them and after 1 minute they were leaving for no reason
- gg "highskill".
So? Why didn't you ask them after at irc? Maybe they didn't leave without a reason. I never had bad experience with Sanda & Spirea and I can't really say a bad word about them tbh.
proberly cause you have no brains
wat reply je nou op mij :P
stomme gamestv, doe ''een pagina terug'' en kijk wat er stond links boven in die message:D:D
when did we leave after 1 min vs u?
Some days 'go.
With Krespa or smth
I guess u were just too bad and we left therefore?

but pm me on irc and give me demos or something because I don't remember such game

and no we weren't too bad ;d
i smell hacks, nice to get ettv defix, good decision
Tho this match is requested here by a visual member.
they are going to get pwned with ettv so =D
You can't prove a shit with well tuned aimbots anyway...
True but those 3 defix guy, the admin (me) and the ettv viewers (you?) are enough to see if they have a wallhack or smth :P
Wallhacks sux. "Smart cheater" just use a humanized aimbot.
gl defix!
gl sanda, spirea, lepari :]
defix win easy btw
nyt martti et häviä mun rahoja :)
Go defix! ja moi pora!! t: roskakori
gl defix
Defix 1.61 vs 2.63 Team-Visual Total pot: 43427 €
Your bet: 35€ on Defix Possible Win: 56.35 € (+21.35 €)

hf defix
line up Visual/Defix plz
Onnee Pirre & Panda! <3
Vittu ku jäin tänne Saksaan jumiin. :(
etkö oo pelaamas. en sit bettaa dfx :O
easy for defix
visual dont have enough brains to win even if they had some sort of humanized aimbot

easy for dfx
tr00 but the other way round
sais kiitos, hahahahahahahahaha
Your bet: 7€ on visual! Possible Win: 64.47 € (+57.47 €)

:) go go!
gl phunk circus :)
4-2 win defix
did they cheat ;) ?