Gunslingers vs MeTamorph (5000 views)

cz Slaxinek
cz adrenaline
cz ardente
cz RauzZik
sk bravo
cz ouwnah
us BulleT
be Complex
ca Forsy
de Gambit
us mOe
us naif
us vorg
06.03.11 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: brAvo (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4469
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


FB! gl gs
GL For me :)
Gl ouwnA & brAvo :D
gl hf
gl gs
gl gs
gl vorg n bullet
gl gs :-*
Chudaci co za spinu mezi sebou mate :D
Vidim tam 2
Rauzz je proti ouwnovi v tohle smeru uplna nula
to se ozval ten pravy :DDD chytrak na "entou" :D srsly
aspon neni busted :D
a kdo je ? :D
Clovek, ktery kvuli 1 pravdivemu komentu nemaze celej forum topic na xfire, kdyz hleda klan!
o cem to tady kurwa blabolis ? :O
Kdyz jsem Tvuj topic, jak hledas cfg na crossfire, okomentoval linky s Tvejma bustama, reagoval jsi na to a do 2 minut svym obvyklym haha a strasne v pohode, cool typek stylem, pak jsi ten dotycnej topic do 2 minut smazal! bohuzel pro Tebe to tady nepude...
porad nechapu , co tu tady placas ...... ale nebudu to resit , takovyhle srance
sorry kamo ;o)
Jasne Ty nikdy nic nevis, jen to jak nainstalovat haxy a nechat se bustnout to Ti de, btw dukazu mam porad dost :D
:DDD btw naky dukazy me vubec ale vubec nezajimaji ... no tak sem haxor dobry stacilo :D nechapu co tady porad resis ..... jak u debilu ....
Flame on, btw ja jsem zanechal opet jen jeden prosty pravdivy koment...

btw "jsem haxor dobry?" Tu vetu jsi myslel vazne, nebo jsi opravdu tak hloupy?

Co resim? chci, aby vsichni vedeli co jsi zac a s cim hrajou!
santa ten je jasnej :D
santa ten je jasnej :D
Neries to mg, jeho vec.
Random new NA team. :O
gl MeTamorph
Gambit from Germany?
gl slaxinek !!
gl gunslingers
e: + gl complex! :)
no ouwnA no win izi :D
wnb degambit + wnb becomplex
match was moved to Sunday 21:00
who are these random NA's?
only heard about vorg
Bullet starring in Fragarea 2 !
You should've heard of at least 3 of them if you paid attention to the comp scene in NA while it was still active.
hes a rand was nvr in the comp scene.
You never heard of bullet?
Complex :) Gl m8 !
Is this the legendary [e]forsy? :O

<3 bullets, go get em boy.
soz, but gambit too busy playing wow
match is apparently schedualed for tomorrow at 4 est :\ gl
lolwut speak eurotimes
deeem, gunslingers
achim oder georg? :D
great match :)
gg wp ;) very nice match
lol kdyt sjem jen mercoval co tam delam v soupisce :D
delivery fail adler fail :-D