to Make odds even vs United Kingdom (9027 views)

pl fanatic
pl ska
pl hassaN
pl errol
pl Voodoo
gb razz
gb sqzz
gb R0SS
gb Kamz
gb koop
gb Jinosta
02.03.11 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous
Manager: Robert (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Radar
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Total Pot: € 20179
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 171


tmoe vs uk ? lol
polish players real nicks pls?!
uk 4:0 anyways, razz ftw
this isnt team PL mate, that are the real nicks
lol pls
nazi like you should stay out of the game
who da fuck are u?
I dunno if u were trolling or just acting like a fag,
So u played on 2003 ?? and u went inactiv for years ??? and u think u are a hero???
c mon hero

mais le type a joué en 1967 a ce jeu et se croit un dieu et flame les mecs qui jouent activement depuis un ptit baille
il a stopé le jeu jcrois et donc pdt sa période personne a le droit de commencé ET :D

c mon zéro
Ten sam sklad co dostal w dupe z polska repra, mysle, ze z tmoe raczej sobie poradza i na kogo by tu postawic?!
atleast call it a showmatch


powodzenia hassan
izi for evo koop!
somebody will die tonight!
koop will destroy in this game
koop will get destroyed in this game
koop will get destroyed in this game
Co za asy...
koop? plz inform before the game if he'll play or not, its changing my bet thoughts.
Pracc game -> co to jest?:D
Robaciek jak bedziesz wiedzial o jakichs zmianach w skladzie, to daj znac :)
Postawie na tMoe, ale będą trudno mieć ;D
Feel the pressure, koop <3
hf :D

leave my teamspeak
Good luck Jino razz & sqzz <3
nerd praccing hard for their final
gl uk, especially sean<3
gl uk :)
gl <3
Jinosta & Voodoo :)) GL!
GL UK. Maybe you can beat these polaks.
R0SS, Kamz, Koop, Jinosta. This is where the UK is going very, very wrong lol
who would you put instead of kamz & R0SS ?
I'd say crumbs instead of kamz, and perhaps there might be a better uk rifle than R0SS ( koop is the first that comes to mind ) + Mztik should play if he's able to.
koop is rifling afaik
mztik disappeared
crumbs is a different player than kamz, don't think he really overclasses him and kamz has his days !
Oh didn't knew Mztik dissapeared :( That leaves the team 2 smg engis if I'm right ? R0SS & razz. So an "aggresive" medic ( Jinosta ) would fit better, altho that's what I think of it.
i would keep the team the same and replace koop (rifle) with crmbs (smg) of all the current players, since Mztik doesn't seem to be available and griim is a laggy fucker.
TEKN0 ? :)
implying UK has been doing any good with other lineups for the last 6 years? :D
easy 4 uk
2:0 tMoe, now gold
gl Jinosta :D
You have € 800 on pl tMoe
Possible win: € 1984

ciekawe czy wejdzie xD
2:2 radar as final map
Razz hahahahahhaha
? :)
nice knowning on radar .8-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
4:2 tmoe
You have € 49 on pl tMoe
You won € 121.52

wp ska , haSTARn :D!
rolled by polacks again????
You have € 10 on tMoe
You won € 24.8

Numeric: "tMoe 2 liga"
no prawda jebnal sie chlopak troche : )
nie porównuj klanu do reprezentacji ;)
w sumie reprezentacja, to stare tMoe, czyli druzyna, ktora zajela 3 miejsce na lanie :)
repra wygrala 4-0 :)
ale Kamz mial ping 200 :D
You have € 450 on gb UK
You lost

if it wasn't for sqzz it would have been 4-0. UK shit team now
f*ck off uk
expected ;]
uk sucks
thx ROSS !
First i lost 500 on Poland vs UK now again 300 I promise i wont ever bet on UK again
becouse poland is the best ;] i cant wait for poland vs finland ;]
will be np for finland if

olbaa,ensam,sample,squall,matias plays
Matias won't play
finland will still rape pl izi bash
Not rly. Maybe they win, but not izi bash =]
will be izi bash

4-0 for fin
I'm a fan of that kind of arguments.... fuckin pointless since we never know but nice to read : )))
looks like you know nothing,fin is wayyy above any nation in this NC atm , dont think even if of eu got top 5players in 1 team they still wouldnt beat fin.
even once I agree with you
you proved my point, it's easier to keep on arguing than just wait for results. Sport is full of surprises and esport is sport with "e" at the beginning : )
well just u wait and see,if poland even reach the finals,they will get raped by fin :D remember this when ur watchin the game pl-fin
Just going through bad patch ladies, nothing to worry about!