teamoxid vs team exitium (4861 views)

de stRay
de paN
de predi
is phyziC
fi Jusuf
nl pds
02.03.11 20:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: stray (Generaladmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 10888
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Radio Commentary
de Teamoxid Shoutcast \w eujen
By: stray
Listen to stray
Language: English

Total Slots: 200
Listener Peak: 41

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 24


btw cast will be by de Phazor on english!
3o3 + shoutcast = boring
it's his first official shoutcast, means he didn't want to start with high 5on5's
gl Webe high skiller
no gl to stray and predi noobs XD! :P
and me?:(
u arent playing noob.

gl to paN though :P
Thanks i love ya 2 <3 :*
gl phyzic
gl ext3 + kiwi - webe :)
gl phyzic
You have € 20 on de oxid Cancel bet
Possible win: € 399.4

gl Predi dortmunder gib gummi :D
gl muskeliwebe
low < med < high < chuck norris < ...............................empty spaces................ < kiwi

easy bash
good luck stray ;)
You have 30 on oxid
Possible win: 283.2

newbs :S

nice shoutcast tho
"have a nice day" @ 9pm CET

big shame on deli
Watch the replay and spec me on attack you'll see why :p
gg ;)
You have € 160 on oxid
You lost

np for kiwi ^^
expected obv. phyzic & pds sick combo
`yeah they are, could you replace me next game?
oh yeah, how could i forget webe!

sure ill ring for you. i mean i'm pretty well known for my driving skills. they're like 'omg was this guy in nascar or what?'
they need a slave to do the engy work while they are spreading 3hs everywhere
shit thats easy work. i dont have to do shit but hide until they tell me its okay to plant. PUT ME IN COACH