Canadiak Revolution vs TheDreamTeam (5578 views)

ca Tomun
ca Dynasty
us SeMzz
us bape
us &REW
cl attack
cl CHrilithee
cl dilan
cl hanS
cl Nemsu
cl uramech1
06.03.11 00:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: Tomun (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5857
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


I can play in this, throw me up there
hf hyp haha easy frags
gl parker :)!
fail with cze flag :DDD gl Chile team
gl canadiaks.
Oh and lol semz
shit i forgot semz
Semi is a sand nigger
Semi is a sand nigger
Semi is a sand nigger
Why do people call me Semi, there never was or ever will be an "I" next to Sem you sand niggers.

PS: SEM is does not have the same meaning as the one in the urban dictionary, so do not match up my name with its given definition.
gl die

if semz gets fed in the lane they win
[22:05] Reed: make sure you go mid

All will fall and crumble in fear when they face the destructive wrath of the almighty articuno! Anivia is my key to victory, and I always make sure I get fed :)
Shut up with your league of niggers you sandnigga
fail :) czech flag :-D
It would take more dioptres guys :-D
Party hardy on ET during carnaval.
Anyway Gl parker!
gl bape and andrew !
fucking do not know whether you?
coto kurwa melesh?
melo to byt - kurva, vy nevite ci ste?
GT - google translator

za to nemuzu, ze slavnej google neumi nic prelozit:)
a nemuzu za to ti ty paka nevi jakou maji mit vlajku . :)
wtf are you talking about :D

hf Bape!
Chilean immigrants...
wtf ? chile = czech republic :(((
gl parker
gl andrew semz, bape
Gl Fucking semi
it looks like US revolution...
niggers gl
show up fags
gl bape
re-open bets admins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i smell cancel or re-schedule
What ended up happening?
fucking stupid idea by a teammate to even accept the match as a 4v4
How can it be a 4v4 if it's the 5v5 ladder? lol
exactly don't even understand why the fuck my team wanted to even play 4v4
so it was actually played as a 4v4? i'm confused... i hope this doesn't happen in match these guys vs solar :D
they're most likely not gonna show up or reschedule
why u mad at me :'(
I'm not sure if you weren't paying attention but we were full holding them at gate which means a win and it still counts. The fact that attack rage quit was uncalled for, and the match is going to be rescheduled to sometime tomorrow. If they cannot gather 5 players once again then TheDreamTeam will have to forfeit and receive a loss.
"TheDreamTeam will have to forfeit and receive a loss."

"Remember: In the ESL there are no def wins!"
LOL they playing 4on4 :)
loooooooooooooooooooooooooool attack is the person in charge
take me off the list until hyp3r starts to play k thanks
i knew it, every non-.euro match at gamestv gets either re-schedule or cancelled :D every single time, sup
+ fuckin one

these damn times man
Not really our fault in this case because in every single match we always have players available and it's always the other team that can't field a lineup so we have to either reschedule or cancel.
Well. atleast not with me
time for u ppl to stop battling nubs and start owning euros