iNtakE.Gaming vs (4112 views)

fi FaT
fi ZweQl
nl Tropic
ca taZyaa
us iPod
gb AdaM
pl Toreto
pl beep
pl staszek
pl tramal
08.03.11 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: taZyaa (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 6238
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


So by your reply I am assuming
How is it filled with people.. it's empty. Your iq drops by the second.
lol are you serious :D?
I'm messing with you, I bet my idiotic reply made you lol :D
yeah right, you were serious.. don't try to play it off now!
Same way I was yesterday about the stratting thing :D
my friend nl aL says he's not avi for this
possible LU:

gl przemek!!!!!!!!1
gl tramal
ja chyba nie zagram , ale dziekowac :D
masz kurwa grac, bo staszek i Adam to pedaly
Po pervercie niczego wiecej sie nie mozna bylo spodziewac oprocz zalosnej wypowiedzi. pozdro&pocwicz
nie obsraj sie :XDDD
dlaczego Perver kurwa jest ?!
dlaczego im dupe lizesz obsrancu :D ?
hi, i wanna wish gl to some random shit nerd ipod, bye.
:D, thanks, love you too :D
easy for adam
nie ma to jak zmowywowac samego siebie :D
don't forget to speclock pjona or taZyaa will die of happiness
easy 4 intake
gl beep!
if it's the adam i used to know gl pjona, if not gl ipod :) btw f u tazyaa for removing me on cf
you removed him.
Not as far as I know, I just went on yesterday for the first time in a couple weeks and I had 1 email saying he had removed me :( lol it's no biggy was only kidding anyways
thx mate <3
low vs low+

HAHAHAH SEE WHAT I DID THERE??!?!!??!?!?!??!?!
gl ipod! AND BEEP :d
gl pjona!
wth is this shit no one told me we had a match and tazyaa is playin SAY WUT?
gl beep & adam :D beep bede cie specowal postaraj sie :P
postaram sie dla ciebie xDDD
gl pjona!
ipod gl!:D
gl ipod
Thanks pub buddy :D <3
zweql :] gl intake
gl tropic
nice name copy beep, that was my nick for around 5 years
U unknown
so are u
Im not whining about name steeling while being unknown
neither am i, i just pointed that out
get them mikey tiger <3
gl intake ! love u guys =)
gl ipod =]
gl biatch beep <3
gl tramal
are we still playin this?

being played without ettv cus of poltards!!
being played without ettv cus of poltards!!
being played without ettv cus of poltards!!
being played without ettv cus of poltards!!
being played without ettv cus of poltards!!