Team Visualize vs convicted to collapse#nB (6437 views)

ro rAAAAzy
ro lover
si m1ke
se Eriksson
at insane
de awbee
de Release
13.03.11 18:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: raZy` (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 6159
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 30


gl Visualize
gl nb & razy
gl nasen
lu: se Eriksson
de Release
aut Insane
de awbee
gl nb :p
erik :)
gl release du Mauernblümchen :D
could you explain the word 'mauerblümchen' for me
like it!
usually you say this to girls who looks shy and hot but doesnt want to be that hot , like if she would wear a tight jeans etc she would be bomb u know. And "Mauer" means Wall in german , "blümchen" means flower and because release is from eastern germany , where the wall was , i call him like this.
:Ö) danke du frivoles blümchen
'relase' :D:D
gl hf nB
tin pumnii raku
awbee is Basti :D er is der backup für den Insane, Erik oder Mich
omg wtf "relase" ...........angry release :(
thx rAAAAzy :)
gl insane & release =)
gl release & erik

denk an 21 uhr release ^^
und nu haut rein

Gl Insane and release =]
gl convicted to collapse#nB
gl den nblern <3
gl Eriksson
gl Erikkson,
du pwnst sie alle =)
eriksson vo ttw? xDD
GL c2c & rAAAzy:D
gl rAAAAzy :)
gl rAAAAzy
gogo errektion :D
mein sony eriksson is kaputt jetzt kauf ich mir 1 nokia ;D gogo erik und geh net wieder kacken während der war ;D You have € 10 on c2c-nB
Possible win: € 26.7 mehr hab ich net zu wetten alles verloren :-(
gl c2c hf erik!
mike du banane wehe wenn ihr verliert dann bin ich echt arm ;D
gl Release und dem rest von nB :DD
Gl Release & Insane ;)
@KAyo du vollpfosten ;))

gl m8

@KAyo wenn du verlierst kick ich dich ausn team ;))

also hau rein
haha ich spiel ja nich alleine :) und die sin nich schlecht :)
gl hf nB
shice aim is shice =/

OH WAIT.....
You have € 50 on de c2c-nB Cancel bet
Possible win: € 96
You have € 50 on de c2c-nB
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You have € 60 on de c2c-nB
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You won € 62.7

asa va vreau !:D
You have € 10 on ro TvL.ET
You won € 20.9

in mike we trust

You have € 130 on TvL.ET
You won € 271.7

gg! :D
TvL.ET ro 2.09
1.92 de c2c-nB
You have € 20 on de c2c-nB
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