nQw Dracula vs DMG ELITE (3479 views)

ro FoaMeA
ro Body
ro Gruesome
ro Barred
ro bu1l3t
ro Yulyan
Battle of the Titans!
We are promoting the Romanian Ladder!
13.03.11 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL [RO] 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: FoaMeA (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 2074
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


gruesome lowskill :]
You have € 100 on nQw
Possible win: € 153
FoaMeA, me nick name is Barred not barred :P
=)))))) FoaMea my nickname is Barred not barred :p
No problemos, am rezolvat! :)
gl yuly, bullet.. next match fatj vs nQw or fatj vs dmg? :D
ESL RO ladder?
esl 3o3 ladder oricum, cum facem sa strangem 5 - 6 romani pentru open cup 5o5 si euro cup 5o5?
Pai aveti acces numai la Open Cup. La Euro trebuie sa fii printre cei mai buni din comunitate. ;)
Mai intai, joaca in ladderele romanesti, eu va fac competitii, cresteti in skill, si porma merem pe international si-i facem praf pe toti. :)
Dar ce? se primesc si cheateri in ESL??
nu vezi ca da:O
Eu ma gandesc ca daca reuseste sa-si faca echipa de romani, e un castig pentru comunitate... ;)
So pis pe mata in freza wussie ;)
noroc in seara asta FoaMeA ;) , hope its correct ^^
Multumesc! <3 Devito mate!
nice devito Sie Regel! Ich habe versucht, Sie zu erreichen, aber ich habe, und wie geht es dir? Ich habe eine Weile nicht gesehen this is all what i know from faky:)) and of course ich bin high:)
its correct :)
ro ladder and u dont find a lot of romanians for nc hehe

hf foamea
I'm doing my best to recruit new talents! :)

get them to 5on5 med+ irc :D
5on5 med+? Only if I gather the best RO players and even then I doubt they're going to be med+ :D
Battle of the Titans!
We are promoting the Romanian Ladder!

what a load of bullshit.
foamea you suck.