THE CUBE vs hEyo! (6322 views)
20.03.11 21:30 CET
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | ClanBase | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Tc_base | |
Sw_goldrush_te | ||
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13
Viewer Peak: 13

gl potty
gl cube :>
this is not gonna be hard inside the cube
ez for potty
gl Patryczek :*
Rabit :*
Rabit :*
ROZPRO <3333333333333333
Tez Cie kocham ;*
to ty jeszcze grasz? : DDDDDDD
gl potty
got smth to hide? or whats the problem with ettv?
This match is not worth to show it on ettv. Tell me what's the point when there will be about 3 spectators. You can delete this match.
Our last match gathered around 40+ spectators.
this will get 10 max
Hey but it's still on ETTV right? ":D"
I dont care. If you dont delete this match i will tak with any CB admin.
Speak to the CB admin who runs the ladder.
As you wish master! Waiting for Goldorak's response ^^.
Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13
... xD
Viewer Peak: 13
... xD
where everything is easy in THE CUBE
gl catcher :D "sicher" :P
will be izi für cube
will be izi für cube
sicher -_-!
Noone asked us for permission so u can delete this match from ettv.
u say the same thing everytime cos u lose everytime, grow up
look at your rank and you will find our why is it ...
I dont want argue with you guys. All i want to say is that you can delete this match and bring one spectator :). CU.
I just want to say that many other clans tried to play with us on ettv. But rules are rules and as you know (if dont - just ask any cb admin) when one side refuses to play on ettv then match is not played with ettv viewers. Saying that we are afraid cause we migh loose is disrespectable cause we are not afraid that someone can see us loosing against you or any other team. As you can see in our cb note there's a little statement that we want to be asked before putting any match on ettv. As i know you didnt asked me or rabit for permission and now it's too late. Come on guys and meet each other without additional viewers (except one allowed) and play without whinning about this situation. So all i want that you just delete this match and play this one in normal sever in a spirit of fair play.
I am shy and i do not like when sombody is watching how i lame :(
lol u must be hacking if u make such a big deal about a match being put on ettv, really wtf. either that or ur just a 8 year old kid or smth who gets scared when ppl watching u,
any of those 2 is just gay, grow up kid,.
any of those 2 is just gay, grow up kid,.
the only kids here are THE CUBE, who the fuck wants to put random game like this on ETTV anyways? :D:D
It is not as if I care about not having ettv on, it's more of the fact that my demo's are often corrupt when I try play them back so I can use ettv as a method of re-playing my demo's.
ETTV is allowed only when both teams agree AFAIK
I will warn you about one thing... You are starting to sound like Robaciek the way you are talking. Last thing you want to happen is be assosiated with him.
I take that as an insult. But really its fucking retarded to force them to play on ETTV if they dont want to
We are forced to play this game with ettv viewers by Goldorak. I dont see the point in saying that we are kids. This is our right to refuse play on ettv so we are tried to refuse (maybe just because, maybe cause they didnt asked us first). My team don't have anything to hide but I dont want situation when our opponent can feel free and doing whatever he want. That's ridiculous. To make this situation clear: we aren't scared that we might lose this match but as i said before: this is our right to refuse which was fully ignored by THE CUBE clan.
ur scared-
GL potty and the cube!
Good luck Potty and Merlin <3
best of luck elviss :*
hf elviss
gl cube =)
gl chlopaki! :)
dzieki vizaczqu ;)
ty dawidson jestes jakis pojebany, klucic sie tak to ze mecz na ettv jest no nie wierze poprostu...
a po chuj ma to byc i miec viewer peak 5?
chodzi mi o sam fakt klutni o taka glupote i wyspisywanie wywodow na 10linijek :D
to po prostu dawid ;)
ty wez kurwa idz sie polskiego pouczyc bo test gimnazjalny tuz tuz
bede trzymal kciuki ziomus za ciebie, ja juz mam to za soba ;)
to bylo do roniego matole
ucz sie ucz ja je mialem jakos w maju takze przygotuj sie, a jak poszly testy probne cwelu ?
zajebiscie, ale obawiam sie o twoj polski no bo co za kurwa ulom pisze klotnia przez u, aaa no tak to jest roni ktory strzelajac za cepeta klocil sie ups sorry klucil sie ze starym o mydlo
Member Since 6th February 2010
teraz rozumiem...
teraz rozumiem...
tylko jak to sie ma do twojego polskiego jebany gimbusie :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Nie chcialem sie tutaj udzielac, ale widze, ze musze cos wytlumaczyc. Denerwuje mnie fakt, ze prawo do odmowienia gry na ettv jest jedna z zasad CB, ktora jest najczesciej ignorowana. Wiekszosc naszych przeciwnikow bez pytania wrzuca nasze mecze na ettv. Uwierz mi lub nie, ale jezeli zostalbym zapytany to nie byloby problemu - po prostu bym sie zgodzil. Jezeli jest to zasada to czemu nie jest tak samo respektowana jak dla przykladu nagrywanie dem podczas meczu? W tym miejscu koncze z toba dyskusje, bo nie widze potrzeby znizania sie do twojego poziomu.
tylko pytanie po co ty sie tlumaczysz temu oslowi
gl rozpro
roni ale zasady sa jasne i trzeba walczyc o swoje prawa :D:D:D
gl hEyo !
gl hEyo !
About hEyo
- already force oponent to a conflict - tarying to fake result
- 1 suspended player on roster ( banned till 2021 )
- One fake clan match was reported to hEyo team with 1m susp from all ladder
- already force oponent to a conflict - tarying to fake result
- 1 suspended player on roster ( banned till 2021 )
- One fake clan match was reported to hEyo team with 1m susp from all ladder
i to nie koniec xD
Rabit nie chce nic mowic, ale 2 punkty z tych 3 to Twoja robota :P.
You have 10 on cube
Possible win: 10.4
Possible win: 10.4
Good luck potz
gl potty
potty it's lawton, can't believe you're still playing mate, gl i'll be watching :D
Get in there son! :D
;( gg, thx CUBE
playing base was nice, been a while :)