addicted 2 id vs Keep it Real (5909 views)

se gubbkladd
se baba
se gothi@
se storM
se giZeh
cz darius
ee chuBBy
ee Shelbji
pl rubrAh
cz RauzZik
de Qreen
il kook
24.03.11 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: LiL-G (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5756
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


a2id cant get 5 on thursday!

pls check our proposed dates..
I remember what you did once vs rotd. Have fun.
Since I don't have a clue what you'r talking about:

Thank u!
u accepted thursday :s
I know, Sorry for the fuck-up.

We are usually online on thursdays, but this week some of the guys can't get of work etc.

The best we can do is to reschedule to the days i proposed.

soz m8
aam,u cant reshedule the match,its accepted and i dont see any proposes of another time anywhere ;S
Cant u get backup,u have 11 members, and u dont have 5 avi.??
I know, checked it last night myself - I was certain that I proposed other dates.. I blame Clanbase homepage..

Yes we are 11,
- 4 are inactive (not semi-inactive).
- 1 plays in another team in CB

That gives us 6 left, one guy had to go to Stockholm (he claims that the trip is related to his work.. I suspect a gay romance of some sort).

Then we are left with 5, all 5 accepted to play the game.

Dimljus forgot that he had decided to play a round of indoor-golf (Yes, a retarded version of real golf).

Sum up all of the above. We are left with 4 guys (3 guys+1 linuxnerd/trekkie to be honest)

Like I said before, I'm sorry for the fuck up... If you really want the points - I'll give u 4-0, and we'll play again next week or something.
get merc, if u want,but we hope that ur fair players and u wont get a high skill merc.

if you don't have 5 you can just enter a "noshow loss" which costs you -10 points, probably less than giving a 4-0 when you haven't even played.
Thanks, didn't know that :D
GL a2id
lycka till a2id :)

and good luck KiH!
nice low+ match
gl kir
Nice lineup, looks easy. :D
GL addicted storm HF
finally shelby is playing with guys at his skill.
hf a2id
gl rubrah!
gl rubrah small m8
gl blackie :) hf my lover Darius :-*
edu shelb!
gl shelb
gl darius
gl chubby
HF Shelbji !
gl darius n rauzzik
äre swehank? :D
thanks :))
gl shelby
go shelby :))
Qreen still alive???
You have € 25 on a2id Cancel bet
Possible win: € 34.5
wanna merc? :D
if i had seen this earlier i would have loved to help you guys out :D
wp boys

Gl in the future and thanks for waiting
You have € 20 on eu KiR
Possible win: € 67
Thx izi money
add score
rubrah jaki team woo :O!
trzeba robic XDDDDD
sarvaa vittu!!
requestee set match to "Finished"!
gl KiH
4-0 a2id