boozers vs Runo<3 (3500 views)

pl tIKEJ
pl sonseeh
pl PMA
pl Gold
pl viC
fi dTEC7
gb Nips
no Hexagon
gb element
nl Ap0c
10.04.11 21:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: ko2a (Requestee)
Maps: Radar

Total Pot: € 8119
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 1


gl dTEC7
moar polaks, oh dear
gl dTEC7
nie chce nic mowic ale jest 11.88 do 1.88 :D
gl dTEC7 mate!
gl both :=)
GL Boozers ! ;D
we do not play on thursdays :)))
;) Boozersi kurwa WYGRAC MACIE :D
gl dTEC7
u have to pwn the polaks cuz theres 2 much :P
gl sonseeh :)
You have € 100 on eA
Possible win: € 136
Gl eA guy's :>
gL Hex
gl miski
ez 4 dTEC7
yes ofc
ez 4 dTEC7
-nl esSe
+gb Element
Wow I feel a bit bad for you boozers. Now that Element is playing its gonna be a spawnrape fest :/
True this, Dumbledore will destroy them.

btw, will be on around 20:15. xoxo
edit: might be sooner :s
GL gold
looks like forfeit for boozers :) we don't have 5 players.
Lol you don't mark it as 1-0 for you, you cancel it if the broadcast didn't take place.
:DD pro

cancel match boob