IM.Mvp vs Mill.Adelscott (6443 views)

kr Terran
fr Protoss

Casted by us Chill and us Husky


Nice slots
ng is my god!
rolf at the nerds in the pic hahhaha
U dont look better
GOGOG ADEL bonne chance
im sorry but he has no chance :)
it is never ^ ^
It was wrong! Look the score :p
athene best player
Im goin to watch it, gl Terran
nice cast husky :)
gl Protoss
zerg rules btw!
sc2 on gtv great :)
Name: surkin
Charaktercode: 245

add me and lets play! :D
Total Slots: 131,070
fucking nerds
imagine ET 1on1 with 131,070 viewers 8D
massive ettv spam :DDD
idd full of "kurwa jebane"



erwischt :D
Starcraft> et obviously
et isnt that famous;<
et is famous but noone supports it
woooohooohooo! love this
how to watch gtv SC2 game ?
stream =)
c'est un stream sur un site genre own3d ou aAa webtv
ok ok btw i lose 4 spots on bronze ladder :/ im now 36
Total Slots: 131,070

I predict 'Used Slots: 1'
last time it were 44000 :)
why so SC2 :SSSS
Ah, gtv improve his game's level <3, hope to see soon CoD & co ;)
hahahahahah n3rds
MVP <333333
None of the streams workin ?
Oh this is a good reason
GoGoGo Adel
Montre leur ce que c'est une thermolance protoss dans le fion ;x
why 2 stars? :o
Weil es ein match zwischen guten spielern
ausserdem ist sc2 weit verbreiteter
kp man mir ladden ich liebe sc2 ;D
dann soltest du mir auch nicht auf so nen kommentar replien.. ^_^
wars doch auch nich ;D
Ich seh, ich habs schon wieder mit einem kanacken zu tun. Auf Wiedersehen. (güle güle in deinem fall)

ach gemb achte auf dein real life und auf deine sozialen kontakte, dann würdest du auch nich son bullshit schreiben :)

1. türken sind auch nur menschen
2. bin deutscher

wenn man deine kommentare auf gtv liest kann man daraus deuten das du nur eine große klappe hinter dem pc hast

und schon wieder einer der sein gehirn am pc vergessen hat :))
apropos bullshit.. lies mal durch was du schreibst ;) und red dir nicht ein du bist n deutscher.
du bist ja noch bekloppter als viele sagen :D
mir is egal was andere sagen, deine kommentare langen mir schon um dich so einzuschätzen. ende.
mir sind stern ladde, wollte auch keine erklärung dafür haben :D
die war auch nicht für dich, mein hübscher
catch n run and im in bronze
frenchie won't disappoint you
MVP 0:1 Adelscott, i am impressed by this amazing macro!
? 1500 - 4000 minerals. His macro isn't very impressive.
et ?
well, not with keep it low, but he had so many units when he needed them. and when he had 5 bases, he had very low gas and i have to say, low gas is way more important than low minerals, especially when you have with 4 bases a income of 2k per ingameminute, so it is amazing, how low he kept his gas & got that amazing mass of units. especially i like this build massgateways into colossi
rofl,he wasnt even mining gas on later expos
yes, noticed that, but still he had enough gas to get the important units & played great
in my eyes is good macro, when you know what (e.g. gas) you need when & get/have the units, when you need them.
you are wrong
so correct me, sensei?
Having 40 zealots more than have 4000 minerals doing nothing is better.
well, i am not sure, but he had the 40 zealots & the 4k minerals? :o
Having 80 zealots is better than having 40.
well, you get me wrong: i mean, he had the 40 zealots you mentioned & got the 4k minerals rdy to spend when the warpgatecooldown finished.
But he didn't have 40 Gateways so he made 2 nexus and like 20 cannons.
you won't be able to support 40 gateways properly, you should know that!
he had like: 30 zealots (which i sacrificed most of the time), 30 stalkers ( he kept alive) and some colossi/sentrys & i am quite sure, he had 10-15 warpgates, so he was able to reproduce the 30 zealots in less than 2 ingameminutes.
I think you don't get it. He went up to 4k minerals because he had bad macro. Dot. Nothing to add.
w.e., i want this replay anyway, then i will convince myself if he had bad macro. i agree, it was not perfect, but it was quite good, otherwise he would lost to mvp.
AMAZING SHIT.... 2:0 Adelscott
wow crazy game, watch it on vod if u didnt see it
suprise suprise xD
the fuck is this.
You have € 5 on Adelscot
You won € 63.15
Adel a encore frapé, en grande forme, et donc :
shut the fuck up with the stupid "the frenchy has no chance" now. :D