team - target vs Lost Soldiers (4691 views)

nl WooDy
nl NoHead
nl sphowner
be vyper
nl 7ele
de LanGo
de bomi
de ducis
si sLy
27.03.11 22:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 5on5 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Woody:] (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 11180
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


gl bomi
gl spho, nohead and bomi
hf rafaU
and vjto <3
tele will deliver!!
hf target!
gl nohead
where are you? :((
easy for 7ele :-*
bomi good player :O very talented & no ex etBot customer :O, such a male voice :O but never online :(
bomi would be great play if he would be more activ :C
Yes, really really talented, probably best EtPlayer to ROLL on planet ever :O :O Too bad he not active :-( only plays 5 hour per dej :| DEFINITELY NC & EC worth, too bad he cannot into national team :'(
bomi goes for 25/7 !
Bomi's daily schedule:
Wake up at 16pm
Playing Fifa (at least 5 officials/day) 16 - 20pm
Pracc ET with lost 20 - 23pm
Play another fifa offi 23- 0:30am
0:30 - 2:00am Play some 3on3's
Wank/Watch porn 2:30am - 5am
"such a male voice"

Wer im Puppenhaus sitzt...
...sollte die barbies ficken?
So schauts aus! Act hard fuck harder!
lost was raped on grush!
enige map die ik deftig speelde..
Jij bent dan ook wel de keyspeler he :p
i was first at the start :(
GR rape John Holmes style ..anal & no vaseline
nice egoquit bomi!
You have € 100 on nl trgt
You won € 109

fuck yeah :c
Hatte ich auch erst. Dann dachte ich, ich spiele, habs geändert und danach hab ichs vergessen.
specki is dann ragequitted um mit seinem ösi fifa zu spielen, hhehehehe :DDD
Als ob ich bin off gegangen!
nice nohead :D
We kwamen uit een dal, hahaha